A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Poe’s Point > DCUC5, four months later

Dear Mattel & Walmart,

This is ridiculous. Fix this. And for God’s sake, do not let it happen again.



Toy review roundup (via Fanmode), 2/7/09


Pic of the Day


  1. I still need to get that wave. I wish I could find it for a decent price.

  2. I didn't realize he was that in demand. I saw at least one at Wal-Mart this morning but — as with every time I've seen him — he still looked lame so I left him there.

  3. Andy

    I was at the NYCC Mattel Panel. They assured us that the next Wal-Mart exclusive wave would have better distribution (yea, there's another in 2009). They said Wave 5 needed to happen to get Wal-Marts carrying the DCUC line. It did seem to get us wave 6. I got wave 5 by asking a Wal-Mart employee to scan all Wal-Marts in a 250 mile radius. There was only one that was carrying it.

  4. Chuck20

    imagine paying that much for one and its leg snapping off. That would Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. SO glad I got mine. I mean SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad

  5. Nicholai

    I've given up on being a completionist for DCUC because of wave 5.

  6. George

    The leg on mine snapped at point of standing up. I superglued it. and havent seen a replacement for it

  7. People have short memories, but the first year of G.I. Joe 25th was exactly like this.

  8. Poe

    That's true, Paul. But I don't think Mattel has the same habit of repackaging older figures as frequently as Hasbro does (if at all). Is there anyone from the first year of 25th Anniversary who's very rare and has never been re-released in any form?

  9. Frowny McBeard

    Still haven't seen a single one of this wave. Interestingly enough, my Walmart got Wave 6 instead.

  10. Ed

    Wave five killed some of my excitement for the line.

    I'm kind of hoping Mattel will rerelease some of these down the line. They already set one precedence with Batgirl originally being a Target exclusive and now a Toysrus one. Soooooooooo fingers crossed.

  11. Dark Angel

    Poe, to answer the GIJoe question…no. The closest one might argue for would be the black-costume Baroness, which was recast in blue and given a new head for a single-card release. She is the only boxed figure that never got a single-card release in her original boxed set look, in other words.

    One might also argue that the first wave of Target Exclusive vehicles and drivers are rare, but they were all repaints/parts swaps, and I don't think I have heard anyone cry over missing the characters…possibly Grand Slam, as he was one of the "Original 13"…

  12. The first waves of GI Joe were rare because everyone wasn't carrying them yet. Joe had to fight and scratch it's way back into the boys toy aisle. Some of those figures are being released again even now!

    Hasbro does a great job with that stuff, but Mattel does not. Especially since that wave was "Walmart Exclusive" it's unlikely that Mattel will repackage Black Lightning later as one of their "Greats" or whatever they're calling them… Even if they did, he wouldn't have the C&C piece for Metallo.

  13. Mark

    Any complaints I have with the 25th G.I. Joes are minor too say the least….Mattel really need to improve there quality control to compete with the other brands, DCUC are not even released here in the UK! As fir the MOTU Classics, they are excellent but they really need to sort out how too make these available to fans. Letting the ordering limit be 10 figures have really opened the doors to the Ebay scalpers.

  14. Michael Lovrine

    Isn't the QC on these figures not all that great? From what I've heard anyway about Waves 5 and 6. All I have right now is a Wave 6 Hawkman and he works fine QC wise. But I plan on getting Eradicator soon from Wave 5. So I can't really speak in terms of direct experience with the other figures in these waves just yet.

  15. Michael Lovrine

    Oh and I also heard only 100 WalMart stores in the US got this wave. Hence the 250 mile radius thing. Ridiculous! Anyone got extra $$$ saved up for airfare this fall when Wave 10 hits?

  16. Dan-El

    I live in London and there is no chance of this seeing the light of day here. It's hard enough to get any DCUC here. Can't believe they have agreed to do another wave like this. Just glad it's not wave 9 as I needs me a Black Adam!!

  17. Dead Man Walking

    @Michael L. I've seen endless QC horror stories on waves 4, 5, and 6. Personally, I bought a wave 5 set for $100. When I gently pulled the Eradicator out of his plastic tray, his crotch broke in half. Worst QC ever.

  18. Poe

    From what I've seen online, wave 6 has been pretty good, QC-wise…and comparatively speaking. It's waves 4 and 5 that were quite bad.

  19. Tom-Tom

    Oh, thank God for Yo go re. Sending me this wave, and the new Classic Superman. Woo!

  20. I still need to buy my Riddler, right now over 2 dozen peg warming. But I'll wait for clearance style prices to get a couple.

  21. Dead Man Walking

    @Poe. On the Fwoosh and other boards, I've seen numerous postings of wave 6 figures that have a wrong bicep or leg portion. Compared to the very few instance I've ever heard of ML's having these problem, I would say that Mattel has a serious QC problem. BTW, as I'm sure you know there having postings on Heman.org that revealed that most MOTUC He-Man figures shipped with their shoulders reversed. This problem has cropped up with some Beastmen and Skeletors, despite what Mattel would like you to believe.

  22. Oh man, won't someone please help me get this wave? I'll pay cost+shipping, or send you a complete Fin Fang Foom, or really anything I have. No at Fwoosh has bitten yet. I did manage to trade for Riddler, but that's it. He's gonna be customized soon too. Gotta fix the suit, the hat, the tie, the neck . . .

  23. Mark

    I own DCUC Shazam and Ares. Ares is a beautiful excelent toy, excep his weaponare a bit bent due to be being made of soft plastic which should be able to be straightened. Shazam is a great figure, but has some bad paint apps on his chest and boot, and most annoying of all his left leg is slightly buckled, or too long causing him to lean to one side. I own a few DC Direct and ML figures and had no problems QC wise.

  24. amazing_syd

    i'm so glad i haven't had to resort to ebay prices for any of my dcsh/dcuc/motuc figures.

    i had to go through three black lightnings before i could finally find one that didn't have stuck hips. i probably would've been pretty pissed if i couldn't find another one and saw the prices for what these guys were/are going for on ebay.

    its funny, with all this frustration, inner anguish, and self-deprivation for finding these figures, i almost kind of like it.

  25. Valo487

    My plan on this wave is to just slowly acquire them, I can't really afford to grab all at once. I'll just pick up one or two here and there when money allows, but it is pretty damn annoying. Not the end of the world because as soon as I let figures ruin something for me I ned to stop, becaue it's supposed to be fun. But it's annoying in the sense that I want to give them my money, and can't. It's like economics as explained by Bizarro.

  26. American Hyena

    I started collecting the series late and actually had tremendous luck picking waves 1 through 4 up at discount prices and even finding some of the older DCSH figures in bargain bins and the like (I found Parasite last week at a Rite-Aid of all places).

    Having said that…Wave 5 has been non-existant here in So-Cal, and that's with four Walmarts within 30 minutes of me and checking frequently.

    I'd be INFINITELY grateful if someone could help me find any of this wave. Especially Riddler.

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