A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

A few more Mattel updates

Mattel posted a couple small news bits after NYCC–here they are for your convenience.

From Facebook:

…just to clear up some posts, we absolutely did not sell case packs of any figures to dealers. All of the left over Fakers will go back to MattyCollector.com after the show for sale on March 16th. (the 15th is a weekend). For those who are asking about a dealer with a case pack of Beastmen, what this likely is, is a fan who bought the limit (1 He-Man, 1 Beastman, 4 Fakers) and put them in an empty Master Carton we tossed out (we go through a lot of empty boxes!). Or he/she may have combined his and a friends orders in one box. But every fan was limited to the same number. We have a VERY professional staff at the show (the same folks who run our retail toy store in El Segundo. There is no way these guys would break rules and sell more then the limit!)

Hope that helps. We may have a few He-Men for SDCC (gotta check when I get back to El Segundo) as well as possibly some Skeletors for SDCC (again gotta check, we really cut him off with barely any left and we had to keep some at Digital River for returns/damaged product, so we really are more like fully sold out of Skeletor).

We will bring him back for a second run down the line (prob in about 7-11 months due to production lead time).

Not to worry, we want to make sure everyone can get the lead characters while preserving the original release (we’ll likley add a burst to the package calling out this is the “2nd printing” or something cool liker that).

We had such a blast at NYCC this year. The MOTU fans are some of the best and loudest we have ever had, and if this enthusiasm continues the Classics line should have a nice long life!

Over at He-Man.org:

A few notes from online posts:

1: [Man-at-Arms] will not have a “hand” attached to the mace. This was the prototype and we could not seperate the hand without breaking it. So we had to bring the mace with a hand attached. He will come with both heads, the gun and sword from the weapon rack, his mace and a mystery accessory.

2: Teela will have two heads. The Snake Armor Goddess head and a non armor head. We can’t comment on the second head yet, because quite frankly the Horsemen have not finished it yet! We only saw Teela for the first time when the Horsemen brought it to us after the panel! And man were we impressed!

3: Both He-Man and Beastman sold out at the show. We should have a handful of both at SDCC (and are really hoping there might be some Skeletors left for San Diego, but we can’t promise this yet due to having to hold onto a few for returns and damaged product).

4: Stratos (and the JLU Gotham Criminals set) goes on sale on Feb 17th! Get em both before they are gone!

5: Teela is not the figure after Tri Klops, but she will be out later in 2009.

Okay, that’s it for now. Glad to see so many great fans and we look forward to continuing to work with you all to make this the greatest MOTU line of all!


DCUC Joker reveal


Toy news roundup, 2/9/09


  1. I love how fans always jump…… to conclusions. Not that I can't say I haven't ever in my life done it before, but that whole Beastman/Case thing was ridiculous. Plus all the spack-u-lation about that MAA/Teela figures.

    dum dum dum dum dum

  2. I agree with Pfkt… But isn't it also possible that this is just Mattel BS covering their tracks? I wouldn't be surprised to find out they were selling cases. They did that before.

    I love the "Stratos (and the JLU Gotham Criminals set) goes on sale on Feb 17th! Get em both before they are gone!" bit. I hate that Mattel wants to keep pushing how rare this stuff is. They're begging people to scalp it.

    Just sell good product Mattel, we'll keep buying. You don't have to constantly make it "RARE" just to make it sell. We love good product. We want it, we'll buy it, you make it. Nothing else is needed.

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