A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Whatever Happened to DCUC6? This did. (Updated)

Thomas from Corner Store Comics has posted a message on the Fwoosh, providing details on just what happened with the online orders of DC Universe Classics Wave 6.

Okay folks. Strap in. Here’s the REAL scoop.

I’ve read a good portion of the posts leading up to this broadcast, but admittedly start[ed] to trail off after several pages and ultimately skipped ahead in order to get this message out ASAP. I’ll go back and read the rest later tonight or tomorrow, so if I miss anything in this post I’ll try to cover it on the follow-up.

Let’s clarify this first. Mattel didn’t screw up CSC’s order specifically or exclusively. Mattel screwed up EVERYONE AND ANYONE that ordered the solid cases. This happened in several parts. First, they received all the figures EXCEPT Shazam. Then they figured out that the factory did not split the Superman cases in the 50/50 mix they were supposed to AND there was no [way] to tell the difference between the red and black cases, NO IDEA which are which. That’s the basic rundown of the logistics issues on Mattel’s end.

Now let’s cover the service issues. Mattel didn’t bother to check the Superman cases in their warehouses even after they knew of the case packing error. They just starting shipping ’em all willy-nilly. Now this is the good part you’ll all want to savor… THEY ACTUALLY TOLD US THAT WE WOULD NEED TO WORK WITH OTHER RETAILERS THAT ALSO RECEIVE SUPERMAN CASES IN ORDER TO COORDINATE ‘SWAPS’ TO GET THE RIGHT MIX OF RED/BLACK SUPERMAN FIGURES WE NEED TO FILL OUR ORDERS. This is not a joke. This was not ‘a disgruntled employee’s view of the matter.’ This is their ONLY actual suggested solution to the problem. Even though our Superman cases are allocated and being released for shipping, they still won’t check them for us and let us know what we’re getting.

Now, let’s cover where we are at with this shipment… We REFUSED to take delivery of the first six figures until the Shazam figure was available to ship at the same time. Tens of thousands of dollars worth of figures clogging up my warehouse does NOTHING for me if I can’t ship ANY of them out until the seventh figure arrives. I’m told that arrangements have now been made to get us the seventh figure out of the Texas warehouse (which apparently just arrived there this week), so all of our figures are now being prepped for shipment to our warehouse. We STILL need to sort out the Superman situation, as we still do not know WHICH Supermans we are getting. We may get all of one type or a random mixed quantity of each (though we expect they’ll all be the same.) They should be here a few days before the Shazam arrives from Texas, so hopefully we can establish the necessary ‘trades’ with a couple other retailers in the meantime.

As you can likely understand, I’ve been at odds with whether to lay this all out for you or not. Do you take a chance on pissing off your supplier who has yet to make things even quasi-right? Or do you continue to allow your business to look like the incompetent entity in a total cluster***k created solely by the manufacturer (yet again)? I actually REQUESTED that Mattel’s marketing department be proactive for a change and address this via their shaky message board web-dude who is likely not allowed to admit fault of any kind when it comes to this kind of stuff, but I wasn’t really holding my breath on that one happening anyway. Regardless, now you can see the reason for delay in any response from us in the past couple of weeks.

So in a nutshell: Product headed our way now. Superman swaps still pending. Charging commences. Packing commences. Shipping commences. Customer product arrival happy dances commence. Hopefully all within the next week or two. Hopefully without further issue. Hopefully.


What a mess. I’m not sure what I can add here, except express some sympathy for Mattel rep Scott Neitlich, who will probably take an unfair amount of crap for this.

Mattel is a billion-dollar American company operating in the 21st century. I just don’t know why they can’t get these issues straightened out.

I would like to thank Thomas for speaking out. If Mattel isn’t going to work on these problems of their own volition, then perhaps a little embarrassing PR might help.

UPDATE: Thomas posted this a few minutes ago.

Just a couple of quick shots to follow up:

    1. I’m not touching the Wave 7 questions with a ten-foot pole at this time.
    2. We’ll know within a day or two of product arrival how the Supes mix/trade situation looks. There will be minimal delay with regard to sorting that segment out. If it cannot be resolved, we will convert the Sets to 6 pieces and adjust the price accordingly, as other retailers have already started doing.
    3. There has not been any offer of reimbursement to cover “swap” shipping thus far. Not holding my breath either.

Dealing with Mattel is not all bad. We like our rep. We generally like the products. It’s a much easier relationship than the one we have with another unnamed major mass-market manufacturer. I’ll choose friendly incompetence over evil indifference every time.



MOTUC exclusive poll update


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  1. Zodac101

    I'm glad Thomas sounded off against Mattel!!! They need to take resposibility for THIER own actions!!! I don't care if its a factory problem or not, THEY(MATTEL) still new of the problem and wanted to make money off THIER own mistake. Yet, again we see how Mattel really doesn't care about the retialer or consumer. They just want to make thier money without any care in the world.

    CSC, any other retialer wether brick-in-mortor or online store should be affriad to make the facts known. I'm really glad this info came out…Its about time someone took the blame off themselves an put it where it belongs.

  2. Vasta

    Did the brick and mortar stores get the same shoddy distribution? It would certainly explain the abundance of red/blue Supes and lack of Captain Marvel's when I found what seemed to be a full two cases of wave 6.

  3. Poe

    @Vasta: I'm wondering if the reason Captain Marvel is somewhat scarce at retail is because Mattel has allocated some of those shipments to fix the online retailer snafu.

  4. Dead Man Walking

    Mattel's distribution and QC are now legendarily bad. The sad thing is that fanboys will keep eating their sh*t up with a spoon, thus sparing Mattel any negative consequences for their actions.

  5. Griffin

    I did a quick ebay search and there were quite a few Captain Marvel's up for auction. Originally I thought there was only one, but apparently people are calling him Shazam instead, whatever. So my guess is that Mattel purposefully has not shipped to the on-line retailers the cases they desired. It's not that they can't fix the problem, it's that they feel it would be less profitable for them to do so. This is because the shipments to CSC and such are for preorders by us, which is basically money in the bank to Mattel. CSC will have to continue to order the figures as long as we continue to want them. As long as we are preordering these things no matter what the QC problems and the distribution problems and the like, Mattel has zero incentive to change its practices.

  6. It's nice to know what's going on, but I don't think I would have done the same.

  7. Motorthing

    How do you follow that?

    Lot's of people all over the net keep telling Mattel that they are fucked, and tired of being fucked over by the world's Biggest Yadda Yadda etc. Quality Control on expensive toys that would shame the Mexican Mafia's knockoffs, shitty distribution that's all down to "our retail partners" and whole swaths of the Planet that can't buy what they are trying to sell anyway.

    It truley isn't good enough Mattel. And I don't think you need to be too protective of TGuru Poe, afterall he's on the Company Payroll and the Hip n'Happening dude that's down with the fans so I think it's about time he took some solid shots for what's going on too.

    How embarrising is it to post on forums that you want examples of poor QC – as if you didn't know it existed – and not actually have a couple of bodies out sampling the crap in stores themselves. Or maybe he did do that but they just couldn't find the stuff, like everyone else? Just about every Lightray/Orion 2 ever produced was broken – you really couldn't have missed that when they started showing up over here.

    I need to take a pill…….

    Bravo CSC, shame on……

  8. Matthew K

    I agree that you need to take a pill.

  9. Motorthing

    Well thanks for that – it's always good to have one's decisions valedated by one's peers….

  10. Poe

    @Paul – What do you mean? You wouldn't have posted the explanation if you were CSC, or wouldn't have pre-ordered if you were me? 😉

    To be fair, I don't really think anyone was blaming CSC for the delay, so there was no need for them to do any PR damage control–we all pretty much knew it was on Mattel's end, and they could have just let the rumors fly and let it go at that.

  11. Stuff like this makes me wonder if I should buy wave after wave of DCUC. I don't know if I should support such an idiotic company.

    And @ Poe: Thanks for the tip on the stands! 🙂

  12. Well, at least someone had the balls to admit they ***ked up.

    People don’t respond well to all this hush-hush business, and considering this is essentially a collector’s line, Mattel needs to keep the lines of communication open when something like this happens, or else they’re going to start to get people really pissed off.

    Perhaps they’re due a slice of humble pie.

  13. Poe

    As long as the product is good and the prices aren't too unreasonable, I don't mind all these other issues. Waiting sucks, but I love the figures 😉

    I picked up four more of those stands myself just last week! In fact thanks for reminding me, I've got to leave some positive feedback.

  14. Vasta

    That seems to make sense. Then again, it might just be that for some reason, Southern Indiana really has an attraction to Captain Marvel.

  15. Tom-Tom

    Well they seem…chipper.

  16. If I ran an online retail shop, I might have not laid out all the details like this.

    Also, what a tough spot to be in for the Mattel rep. People get so angry over toys it's insane.

  17. Valo487

    I agree people take toys a little too seriously, and I feel like some of the quality control problems could be addressed by looking things over before you buy them (although this is impossible for people buying online.) I think a lot of the frustration is that when this line is firing on all cylinders, there is nothing better on the market, and people want to buy these and support the line, but with the economy what it is right now, people have to be more selective and don't feel like having to chase a product from a major company, so they turn to online and when even that gets screwed up, such as the case above, people want to throw up their hands and say to hell with it. Just a thought.

  18. Poe

    @Paul – I don't know that toy collectors get any more angry than the collectors of any other item…or, say, geek movie fans 😉

  19. @Poe – I love the figures too, I imagine I'll keep buying them for the Four Horsemen. THEY do great work and I love to support them in what they do. On a happy note, Hawk-man came in the mail today, and he's great. Looking forward to my Golden Fleece Kratos next!

  20. Motorthing

    OK, here's why I'm personally angry. My Skeletor has 2 right Legs. It's a $20 ($30 with postage)toy bought sight-unseen from Mattel. I have to send it back to them at my cost too – despite the fact that they are at fault.

    Then there's the Eradicator I bought off the net, again at an Ebay premium whose left leg (must be an unlucky appendage) broke straight out of the packet. That's $63 wasted thus far on piss-poor design and QC. And I seem to have been luckier with my DCUC/MOTUC than some who have had far more breakages than I've experienced.

    Now those that say they are only Toys….well toys that still cost money, and for all the satisfaction I got from my money I may as well have burnt it. And there isn't any getting around it – It's Mattel'S FAULT. Now do you think you would still be quite as calm and Zen-like if your treasured purchase went the same way?

    I doubt it.

  21. mjturny23

    All we have to do is wait. It's not fun, but the figures are worth it in the end. Thanks for the update CSC.

    I think it's worse waiting for figures that haven't even been announced yet e.g. Green Arrow, Black Canary…..

  22. outburst

    I agree that the figures are worth it, it's just sad hearing that the QC problems are not going away. In fact, the only problem I recall with wave 1 a year ago was that there was too many of them. If only we could have said the same since…

  23. George

    Wish Mattel sold the rights to these figures and license to another company like Necca or something.

  24. izdawiz

    I feel bad for CSC. I can understand wanting to set the record straight, but I wouldn't have gone into such unnecessary detail.

    Pissing people off at Mattel, hurts both Mattel and CSC. Just explain that the figures have been delayed through no fault of your own and that the allotments were not received as promised.

    I can understand the frustration though and I sympathize with all the local comic shops that have to put with this kind of crap all the time and who have even less leverage than CSC does.

  25. @izdawiz: I donno, maybe it was bad form, but I admire them having the balls to make such a post. People want answers, and they're not getting them from Matty!

  26. Imagine how much money Mattel would make if they could even do like half the things they do right.

  27. Ares

    This is what happens when you entrust your production to the people in a country that does not speak your language, all so you can save money on payroll. I wonder how that money saved compares to the money lost on replacements and loss-of-business?

  28. Ares

    (That was not meant to sound racist or discriminatory. It's just 'you get what you pay for'.)

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