fanmode-copy yo go re reviews the Mattel DC Universe Classics Green Lantern figure. Excerpt: “… Hal Jordan isn’t much of a character; this mundane action figure suits him perfectly.” (See also.)

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Mattel DC Universe Classics Harley Quinn figure. Excerpt: “… this is one very impressive figure.” (See also.)

yo go re reviews the Hasbro G.I. Joe Flint (Cobra disguise version) figure. Excerpt: “… this is a good toy, even if it is everything we’ve seen before.” (See also.)

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Hasbro Star Wars Comic Packs Kashyyk Trooper and Wookie Warrior set from the Revenge of the Sith comic. Excerpt: “… this is a set that you can’t go wrong with …” (See also.)

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Hasbro Indiana Jones Indiana Jones with Horse set from the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Excerpt: “… I believe it’s perhaps the best horse action figure ever produced, certainly in this size range.”

Michael Crawford reviews the Sideshow Collectibles Star Wars Militaries of Star Wars Captain Antilles (Rebel Captain: Tantive IV) 1/6-scale figure. Excerpt: “The sculpt is my favorite overall feature of the entire figure, but the paint doesn’t quite come up to the job of supporting it.”

Jeff Parker reviews the Hot Toys The Dark Knight Two-Face/Harvey Dent 1/6-scale figure. Excerpt: “… this figure is more for your hardcore 1/6 collector or serious Batman fan …” (See also.)

Jeff Parker reviews the Hot Toys The Dark Knight The Joker (Bank Robber version) 1/6-scale figure. Excerpt: “Beautiful, just beautiful …” (See also.)

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Hasbro Transformer Universe Classic Deluxe class Prowlfigure. Excerpt: “Handle your Prowl carefully.” (See also.)

Updatedude reviews the Hasbro Transformers Universe Classic Deluxe class Rodimusfigure. Excerpt: “… about average.” (See also.)

Darren Cilenti reviews the Hasbro Transformers Universe Animated series Legends class Optimus Prime figure. Excerpt: “A good Legends toy …” (See also.)

EVA Unit 4A reviews the Bandai Go-onger Engine Gattai Series 07 Engine Toripter toy. Excerpt: “… it’s not bad …” (See also.)

EVA Unit 4A reviews the Bandai Go-onger Engine Gattai Series 08 Engine Jetras toy. Excerpt: “… this toy is just as passable as his partner Engine Toripter …” (See also.)

Corey Tincher reviews the Mattel Batman The Brave and The Bold Ray Blaster Kanjar Rofigure. Excerpt: “… he’s just not that much fun with his limited articulation.” (See also.)

Corey Tincher reviews the Mattel Batman The Brave and The Bold Skiff Ripper Black Mantafigure. Excerpt: “Black Manta impresses with great and show accurate sculpting and paint, but falters when it comes to articulation, fun, and value.” (See also.)

Artemis reviews the Lego Bionicle Phantoka 8692 Vamprah set. Excerpt: “Nice idea, so-so execution.”

Retro reviews

Tom Prankerd reviews the Tomy DX Ideon toy. Excerpt: “… there’s something charmingly inept about Ideon that’s difficult to dislike.”

Philip Reed reviews the Ideal Robo Force Hun-Dred toy. Excerpt: “Hun-Dred’s not a great toy, but he’s a fun toy and, in the end, that’s what really matters in a toy.” (See also.)

Philip Reed reviews the Lanard Ro-Bots toy. Excerpt: “Possibly one of the ugliest, cheapest pieces of plastic transforming robot toy from 1984 …”

Mike reviews the Funskool G.I. Joe General Hawk figure. Excerpt: “… this is one of those figures that will be truly forgotten.”