Some of the folks at came up with an interesting idea: everyone posts how many Skeletors they bought and then they sum them up. So far they’re up to 516, which adds up to $10,320 in sales.
It’s a simple way to get some immediate insight into how well these toys sell.
And I bought 3 of em!
it's pure speculation at the moment about how big the production run is on these figures but if it's a conservative 10,000 units then the Org. alone is going to mop up 10% + alone…
Philip Reed
I bought 1 for myself. He's gonna get ripped out of the package as soon as he arrives!
I missed out on He-Man and Beast Man — I didn't expect them to vanish that fast — but I've since bought a Beast Man off of eBay for a reasonable amount. He-Man, though, is just out of reach (I'm not paying $75+.) Hopefully I can get one at SDCC later this summer.
@Philip, you should check ebay UK, some are starting to surface over here with cheap starting prices.
Philip Reed
"@Philip, you should check ebay UK, some are starting to surface over here with cheap starting prices."
Thanks for the tip, Mark. I'll check it out.
Yeah but how much of that is pretend at Those guys are full of a lot of bull too.
Surely this shows that if Mattel had released these in more shops they would sell even more figures. There is still a lot of people that want these but canot afford them at the current price. If these were on sale in Toys'R'Us and MHV etc witha normal price of around £12 I would probably buy 2 of each figure one to open and oneto keep carded, maybe 3 to do a custom.