A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day

Guys and their gadgets by Poe Ghostal

Guys and their gadgets

Poe’s note: I’d love to read some reader captions for this pic. Here’s the one I came up with:

Skeletor: “So, you say you can get the Sox game on this thing anywhere in the universe?”

Darkseid: “Yep. And I can watch episodes of The Office too.”


Toy news roundup, 1/26/2009


What the Hawk, man?


  1. Skeletor: The Ultimate Nulli-what now?

    Darkseid: Just point it at He-Man and it does the rest.

    Skeletor: And where did you get this again?

    Darkseid: Crossover… now does Evil-Lyn come with Snake Mountain?

  2. Chuck20

    1)Skeletor: But does it play Donkey Kong?

    2) Skeletor: man, NOTHING runs on Linux anymore.

    3)Skeletor: XXX Amateur New Goddesses not included in this cable package!?! What the hell kind of evil dictator are you?!?

  3. Griffin

    Skeletor: Stupid GPS, I told you we should have taken that left turn at Albequerque.

    Darkseid: Yeah, I've got Anthrax, Metallica…

    Skeletor: Oooh, Hannah Montana!

  4. Dead Man Walking

    Skeletor: And the worst part about this "He-Man" is that I have no idea who he really is, or where he comes from.

    Darkseid: I can relate. This one guy Superman, he must be a master of disguise or something.

  5. Mark

    Darkseid: Hurry up so we can get this recorded to put on YouTube.

    Skeletor: Wait a minute, I have to turn it on.

  6. Tom-Tom

    Skeletor: So, what kind of songs do you have on here?

    Darkseid: Oh, you know…

    Skeletor: Are you trying to Rick-Roll me?

    Darkseid: No! Well, do you want it?

    Skeletor: You go ahead and keep that.

    Darkseid: Curses, foiled again!

  7. I smell a caption contest!


  8. jimm

    Darkseid: The only side effect was my head shrank!

    Skeletor: I can live with that!

  9. Chuck20

    In light of the news on Matty's Facebooks page, I think this is appropriate

    Darkseid: See, not even motherbox can guarantee a complete set of DCUC6 delivered right to your door. Mattel truly is the greatest force for evil in the universe.

    Skeletor: True that, I may be incredibly overpriced when shipped, but at least I'm still available.

  10. Scott

    Darkseid: No, it's true! He's a grown man and he wears tights and a cape!

    Skeletor: At least he doesn't wear furry shorts.

  11. Skeletor: Sam, Ziggy's working on a way to find out what you need to do to leap!

  12. Motorthing

    Skeletor: Yeah but Man where's the soul? You don't have one of these with like a Ram's Head on top or Dragon's teeth or something…..?

    Darkseid: Peasant!

  13. George

    Darkseid: Hi Im a DC!

    Skeletor: And Im a MOTU

    Motherbox: And Im BATMAN!.

    apple theme***

  14. Griffin

    Darkseid: Bones, analyze!

  15. Skeletor: So now it's easier to find you than it is to find me?

    Darkseid: All part of Mattel's, err, my evil plan to kill teh line.

    Skeletor: But I was supposed to be available for all the fans of MOTUC, but I lasted only 12 days. I think that wretched He-man had something to do with this. BEASTMAN come fourth, we must rally the troops.

    Darkseid: Sorry, he's "unavailable", try the NYCC.

  16. Mumma Ghostal

    You people are so funny! I can't even pick the one that I like best…

  17. Poe

    They're all great, but I have to admit I'm particularly fond of the Quantum Leap reference, since it totally works with the scene and I didn't think of it at all. Someone should expand on it…

  18. Darkseid: Oh boy!

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