A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day

Alien Xenomorph 1 by yours truly

Aliens Xenomorph 1

Poe’s note: I never notice the little dust and hairs sticking to my figures in these extreme close-up shots until after I’ve downloaded them. Also, getting that inner jaw to come out was a bitch.


Whatever Happened to DCUC6? This did. (Updated)


Toy review roundup (via Fanmode), 1/24/09


  1. What kind of camera are you using? I've got a Sony Cybershot that I picked up last year before vacation and I've been surprised at how well it does with macro shots.

  2. Poe

    I use a Fujifilm FinePix S700.

  3. jumper11

    I had to use tweezers to pull the inner teeth out. I also have one with a crooked jaw that can't close it's mouth, and one with a perfect jaw that looks freaking awesome. It's like the scene when Burke eats it and he turns around and the alien is all like, lip curling, drooling, I'm gonna mess you up! I like this toy a lot.

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