A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Odds ‘n Ends


  • I’m trying to get my mind off the possible weeks-long wait that may be in store for my DCUC6 order. The good news is, my Skeletor and Starfire/Adam Strange set should arrive tomorrow. That will help salve the pain.
  • Have I mentioned I’m rooting for the Gargoyle?
  • This weekend, I went on a toy hunt with fellow Massachusetts collectors PrfktTear and Ed Lee, who produced this awesome video. We didn’t find much, this being MA, but we did get to see several different Walmart layouts and enjoyed being guided on our tour by KITT. According to Ed, my possession of said gizmo makes me a King Nerd, a title I humbly accept.
  • Before this weekend, I’d never watched an episode of The Office–until Dr. Mrs. Ghostal decided it was time to watch what seemed to be every episode of the series via Xboxflix. It’s a funny show, though the episodes start to run together around the twenties or thirties. I love the one where Jim and Pam who aren’t not dating pull the prank on Dwight by getting Michael to awkwardly discuss Phyllis’s fiancee’s ex-con past while walking across hot coals.
  • I came across NECA’s Aliens Warrior yesterday and decided to pick it up. This was a figure I’d been waiting for years to get and…well, I’ll have a review up soon.
  • You know, the wait wouldn’t be so painful if Hawkman didn’t look like the coolest DCUC figure since Deathstroke…


Online orders of DCUC6 delayed?


Pic of the Day


  1. Matthew K

    Sorry about the wait, Poe. Hawkman is the coolest figure since Deathstroke in my opinion. Kalibak is pretty close to that as well. Skeletor will help, though. I think he is the best MOTUC yet, despite my initial misgivings about the figure.

    I'm with you on the Blue Gargoyle thing.

  2. I voted for the fish dude. Because fish dudes are cool.

  3. Griffin

    Poe how could you not vote for the Raven?

  4. Santo

    i have to go with the ministry….they look pretty tough

    here's hoping my adam strange ( and stands ) get here sooner than it took for lobo and He-man to get here

    p.s. – Hawkman is awesome….not to rub salt in the wound poe

  5. PresidentJuggernaut

    I also voted for the Raven. I've had a few gargoyle figures, and the fish guy is basically Abe Sapien, but there have been very few anthropomorphic bird warriors, and none that look so good.

  6. Frowny McBeard

    I'm sorry, I refuse to click a link that says "Click here to vote for Cancer". Which is too bad, because I like it, but not as much as the two headed ice gorilla.

  7. dwaltrip

    hehehe….funny comment Frowny. 🙂

    I voted for Atrophus Form 2.

  8. I voted for Botannean/Arboreon. Plant monsters are awesome and this one looks great.

  9. Poe

    Well, there doesn't appear to be a clear frontrunner so far, which is pretty cool, actually.

  10. takeittothemax

    I voted for the Vessel. Because it's an Armored Gorilla. Every animal is better when you put armor on it.

  11. You just got into The Office?! For shame! The first season is meh, its pretty much the BBC version (which I highly recommend) only Americanized. In the second season, once Steve Carell stops slicking his hair back, it comes into its own, and really hits all four burners in the 3rd. I haven't been feeling it so much this year, but it's still good nonetheless..

    One of my favorite Office moments is when Jim takes Andy's cell phone, throws it into the ceiling above his desk and keeps calling it.

  12. Santo

    my favorite office scene has to be when dwight was in a sales war with the sentient computer set up by jim….classic

  13. jumper11

    I'm glad you picked up the Alien, I'd like to hear what you have to say! I voted for the ministry!

  14. X

    My AdamStrange/Starfire came today and both were misassembled. Starfire had two right arms and Adam's ab section was in backwards.

    QC might be terrible, but at least Matty.com has great customer service. They're replacing both and paying for me to ship them back.

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