- Studios tell toy stories (Variety) – So, is the He-Man movie on track again? Last I heard it had been condemned to development hell.
- Playmates 6″ Terminator: Salvation figures up for pre-order (CSC) – Not sure about the humans, but the endoskeletons and the tank look cool. There are 3 3/4″ figures too for those of you who prefer that scale.
- Mattel posts JLU update for 2009 (Facebook) – For those of you who aren’t on “The ‘Book,” Mattel writes that at Target they’re planning 20 singles, 8 3-packs, and 4 6-packs, and on Mattycollector.com there will be 4 4-packs (one per quarter) and 1 Convention Exclusive.
- New Masterpiece Grimlock images (Seibertron) – Me Poe want.
- Voyager Leader-Class ROTF Optimus images (Seibertron)
He-Man is a no-brainer… if done right. (Well duh… you say.) Joel Silver has been involved with some great flicks, The Matrix, V for Vendetta, Lethal Wapon, Die Hard, and Predator 2. Though, he's also produced Dungeons & Dragons, The Matrix 2 & 3, and most recently Speed Racer. I'm a little concerned, then again, people peed their pants when Mikey Bay was tagged on to Transformers, and look at how that came out. Of course its all a matter of opinion too.
I can't get enough of MP Grimlock. I say, he's a shoe-in for Toy of the Year! 😉
I like the looks of the new Leader Prime, he looks a lot more accurate, and like he's lost a few pounds (or tons). I just don't see myself paying $40 for him tho.
Grimlock does indeed look like the winner for 2009 already….I want 2! Or maybe 3…..
He-man would really need to be done hard-edged, none of the goofy stuff if you want me to go see it.
that rotf optimus is on my list of wants now…but my woman is going to kill me since i sold all of my tf movie toys to support my dcuc addiction only to re-buy the same characters
one problem at a time
Wow, there is some serious hate on for the Terminator figures…I thought the endoskeletons looked passable.
@Poe: If I'm not mistaken, all reports are predicting that nifty ROTF Prime as being in the "leader" class, not voyager. Regardless, looks like Hasbro's going to get me for another one…
And wow, some serious love in here for MP Grims. I've got him pre-ordered and I'm really looking forward to him as well, but "Toy of the Year" is high praise indeed. I'm just hoping for a good bit of metal, his sculpt and articulation already look pretty good.
@OP636: Regarding the Prime–it could be, I don't really follow Transformers. I gotta hire someone who does…
*cough* *cough* 😉
I was about to mention the hate thats out there for those new Terminator figures. I really don't have an opinion because I don't know what else to compare them to, but as you said Poe, they look passable. The human figure on the other hand looks nothing like Christian bale.
The 3.75" figures look decent though, I could get a couple endoskeletons and put them in with the Joes!
@Santo: "one problem at a time" so true…
The ROTF Prime is indeed a Leader. On second look, I like him more and more, but I bought the first leader Prime, heck I waited for the premium release, and now I wish I skipped it completely and got this oen! Overall though, I just don't see myself getting into the movie figs like I did the first one. I went waaay too overboard. I'm going to take the chance to concentrate on TFA while Universe is on hiatus for the movie figs. Though, I say that now, talk to me again in six months and we'll see where I stand!