A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

MOTUC Faker and Stratos advance reviews (via Fwoosh)


Good morning, faithful readers! With any luck, I’ll finish up the 2008 “awards” post today that I’ve been working on for the past week, but to tide you over, head to the Fwoosh and check out their advance review of MOTUC Stratos and Faker. I’ll be here, stewing in my envy.

The best tidbit I learned (from the discussion forum, actually, not the review) was that Faker’s chest-robot decal is actually a tampo print this time, not a sticker–meaning it’s grafted on like the chest symbols on DCUC figures.

For you JLU fans, Fwoosh also has a preview of the Criminals of Gotham set.

(Is it me or does that pic, with Stratos up top there, look like an 1980s rap album cover?)


Beast Man (Masters of the Universe Classics)


Poe Plays Favorites 2008


  1. Thanks for answering my question about the chest decal. I'm glad its not a sticker. Although I'm sure they've advanced leaps and bounds since the '80s in sticker making technology, I'm glad they went with that choice.


  2. Poe

    I believe tampo printing like this represents those very "leaps and bounds" 😉

  3. Btw, that pic of '80s Stratos with MOTUC Stratos is beautiful!!! i cried! but i think that is an excellent example of how successful the 4H were at updating the '80s line, and gives a good sense of what MOTUC is meant to be.


  4. Motorthing

    Makes all my snarky comments about poor character selection harming the start of this line moot.

    Eating words is only OK when you are getting figures this good as consolation.


  5. Poe

    I'm glad we got the inevitable Faker repaint this early on and are getting it over with. I do love the character, but he really is a cheap repaint.

    The only one who's anywhere near as cheap a repaint is Stinkor, and to get him we'll need Mekanek's armor first.

  6. Mark

    Stinkor is cool.

  7. @Motorthing: MMMph… don't those words taste good?

    I think so far the character selection is pretty good. They're starting out with all of the originals.

    By looking at the '80s figure releases, I'm speculating the next figures we get will be (in no special order) Man-At-Arms, Teela, Evil-Lyn, Trap-Jaw, Tri-Klops, and Man-E-Faces. Thats merely by looking at the lists though, they could really throw us a bone and do something from POP or New Adventures, but I'm willing to bet they're going to concentrate on the figures they can get the most use out of before they start getting into more obscure characters.

  8. Poe

    Well, we know we're getting Zodak, since we've seen a sculpt of him…

  9. Mark

    I really want Extendar and Spikor.

  10. D'oh! I forgot about Zodie. Maybe we'll see him in May/June?


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