A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Toy review roundup (via Fanmode) 12/19/2008

Welcome to a new feature here at PGPoA–regular roundups of toy reviews around the Internet, provided by the excellent toy blog Fanmode. My thanks to Fanmode for graciously agreeing to share their content! Be sure to visit  the site (and add it to your RSS feeds) for more toy news, links, reviews, and photos.

fanmode-copy yo go re reviews the Mattel DC Universe Classics Cyborg Superman figure from the Toys ‘R’ Us exclusive Cyborg Superman and Mongol Super Enemies Figure Pack. Excerpt: “Just because there are some problems with the toy, it doesn’t mean he’s not worth buying …”

Steve Pietrangelo reviews the Mattel DC Universe Classics Batgirl figure from the Toys ‘R’ Us exclusive Batgirl and Azrael Batman Figure Pack two-pack. Excerpt: “I’m not a huge fan of the female sculpts that Mattel uses for these female DC action figures but Batgirl is probably one of the better ones …”

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Hasbro Indiana Jones German Soldier with Motorcycle set from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Excerpt: “Hasbro really went all out with this.”

Justin Bell reviews the Hasbro G.I. Joe Resolute Cobra Trooper figure. Excerpt: “… puts the old school blue shirts to absolute shame.” (See also.)

Justin Bell reviews the Hasbro G.I. Joe Dreadnok Torch (single-carded 2008 version) figure. Excerpt: “He can’t grip his weapon, he can’t bend fully at the elbows…just bad news.” (See also.)

Artemis reviews the Hasbro Star Wars The Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano figure. Excerpt: “She’s the newest of Star Wars’s perpetually limited supply of women, so go buy a figure to show your support …” (See also.)

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Hasbro Star Wars 30th Anniversary Collection R2-B1, Surgical Droid 2-1B and Clone Trooper (Hawkbat Battalion) figures. Excerpt: “… this is definitely the most impressive 2-1B action figure yet created.” (See also: 1, 2, 3.)

Michael Crawford reviews the Toynami Futurama Calculon and Super King figures. Excerpt: “(Re: Calculon) … one of my top favorites of the line so far.”

yo go re reviews the Mattel The Dark Knight Coin Blast Two-Face figure. Excerpt: “This figure is in the same line that has the ‘kiddiefied’ version of the Joker, lacking the scars and drippy face paint, and yet we get much of the scarred tissue on Two-Face.” (See also.)

yo go re reviews the Hasbro Transformers Animated Deluxe class Sentinel Prime figure. (See also.)

Thomas Wheeler reviews the McFarlane Toys Halo 3 Spartan Soldier [Mark VI] (red version) figure. Excerpt: “… it’s an extremely cool figure, and any Halo 3 fan would enjoy having him around.”

android17 reviews the Takara Tomy Zoids Graphics Extra Orudios kit. Excerpt: “Such a long wait, but it’s worth it!”

Retro reviews

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Takara Microman Ryukendo MA-31 Ryuguno figure. Excerpt: “…highly ornate, highly articulated, and well-made — if in need of being handled gently …” (See also.)

Updatedude reviews the Tomy Zoids NeoBlox NBZ-06 Brachiorakete kit. Excerpt: “I’d recommend picking SEVERAL up, so you can mix and match.”

Updatedude reviews the Tomy Zoids Blox BZ-020 Leogator kit. Excerpt: “… Leogator suffers from a case of a gimmick severely restricting a toy.”


The view from my window…


The view from my window, part II…

1 Comment

  1. If I ever see the German Soldier w/ Motorcycle I'm picking it up and giving it to one of my Joes! 🙂

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