A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

News round-up, 12/19/08


  • Batman: Brave and the Bold packaging photos (Mattycollector)
  • Matty now on Facebook – includes photos of Movie Masters wave 3, Infinite Heroes, MOTUC Faker (including chest sticker)
  • Photos of Marvel Universe (3 3/4″) Wave 2 (Hasbro)
  • Hasbro Marvel Q&A (Superherotimes)  – check out the first question and response! Funny.
  • Hot Toys Q&A (OneSixthWarriors.com)
  • Keanu Reeves to ruin Cowboy Bebop movie (MTV)


Pic of the day


The view from my window…


  1. I've added Matty to Facebook! The pictures of Faker look great. Also, an image does confirm that Stratos will have a red belt!!!

  2. Keanu Reeves will make it awesomer…

  3. Those Brave & The Bold toys look pretty cool. I might have to pick some of those up. Anyone know where I can see more pics of them?

  4. jimm

    Hopefully I can add those B&B to my "The Batman" figs, any word on scale compatability?

  5. captainzero

    Geeesh!! Who's in wave one of Marvel Universe 3 3/4"???? They tell us who's in wave 2 and 3…

  6. Tom-Tom

    Awesome Press picture….

  7. captainzero

    Thanks, Poe!!

    How many do you think you might get in ALL 3 waves??

    Nice, colorful packaging!!

  8. Poe

    The packaging does look great. It's clear Hasbro is looking at MU to be their flagship line with the Marvel license. It makes sense–3 3/4" has been their bread-and butter-scale forever. They never seemed comfortable with ML's 6" scale.

  9. captainzero

    Yep! I agree!!

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