A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Mock-up of what 2002-style MOTUC He-Man might look like

Sevman over on the He-Man.org forums has created an amazing mock-up of what a 2002-style Masters of the Universe Classics He-Man might look like:

My 2¢:

  • That is one great-looking action figure. Kudos to Sevman for his Photoshop skills.
  • Oddly enough, seeing this reinforces my desire for the classic-style figures. That’s a great action figure, but it’s not He-Man as I loved him best. (Monte, am I engaging in autobotic asphyxiation here?)


DCUC5 reviews


Pic of the day


  1. Rustin Parr

    That is effectively the coolest He-Man figure I have ever seen – it is my equivalent to what I want/ed from this line to Poe's feeling about the actual line!

  2. Mark

    I like this, its a great custom, but I deffinently prefer the one we have. Personally I just do not think it goes, I think its cool but the more I look at it I know something is not right. If they had released this I know in all honesty I would be wanting the original He-Man look like we have.

    The basic principal was to have better figures than the originals, which 200x KIND OF provided, where as the Classics we have are the ones we should have had.

    I am not opposed to elements from 200x being carried across to some figures, but if this is anything to go by I think Mattel has made the right choice in sticking to the originals.

  3. autobotic asphyxiation… lulz.

  4. MegaGearX

    I hope Sevman can do more 200X characters mock-ups. He-Man was the worst 200X revamp, so imagine how cool the other characters would look.

  5. Mattel should just do something like this as a variant or as a 2nd version of He-Man in the future.

  6. Chuck20

    see, THAT would get me to buy these. The more the 4HM get to exercise their creativity, the more i like the result. I feel the MOTUC is stifling creativity. Hell, throw everything out, re-imagine the characters completely, that would be cool. When that Happens, I'll buy the line.

  7. Matthew K

    I'm also good with what we are getting so far. If they do another He-Man at some point, it would be cool if they did that.

    While I am not so married to the toys of my youth that I can't stand to see them updated, that part about packing your figures off to take pictures of them down by the creek hit way too close to home. I think I am in the throes of AA.

    Chuck –

    I would think that rehashing the 200X designs would be just as creatively stifling as rehashing the classics. Less so, since the boys already sculpted 200X and haven't done the classic style. I guess that's why you say later that you'd rather they re-imagine the whole thing, huh? Nevermind. 🙂

    It is a question I wouldn't mind seeing posited to the horsemen, but I wouldn't know how to put it without coming off incredibly rude.

  8. MegaGearX

    @ Matthew, well the only up to the 200X designs that we've seen so far. There were still 2 years worth of vintage figures that we haven't seen updated yet. Like Extendar, Ninjor or Scare Glow.

  9. Mark

    I want an Extendar so much….the original is cool but nothing compared to what he looked like in the mini-comic.

  10. Funbuns

    Sevman's figure looks so much more dynamic than the classic-style figure. It's my impression that the 4H seem to be sorely constrained by the requirements of the classics-style line–after all, there's only so much you could do with the 80's sculpts while still remaining faithful to the source material. Sevman's mock-up seems much closer to what the 4H would do if given free rein…

  11. Funbuns

    @Poe: Good point. I just thought, since the 4H seem to like doing very detailed sculpts, that the lack of detail on the originals and a need to follow the source material closely was "cramping their style".

    However I do that a Sevman/200X-inspired 4H rendition of He-Man (something along the lines of the NECA 07 exclusive, maybe?) would look more in place between the 4H sculpted Movie Masters Batman and a NECA TMNT, than the current MOTUC figure.

    Can't wait to read your new interview with them…any hints on when we can expect it?

  12. It looks good, I'd probably buy it… But I wouldn't use it. If something like that comes around in 2012 once I've gotten Scare Glow and Modulock and Grizzlor in MOTUC I'll start taking redesigns.

    I guess it seems like too much of an artist's interpretation of the character. Know what I mean? It's like when someone new draws the Hulk. It looks cool, but I still see Hulk as 70's green Hulk.

  13. Mark

    This is probably AA but I think the Classics are perfect.

  14. Poe

    @Funbuns: I don’t think we can speak for the Horsemen–after all, it was Eric Treadaway who first sculpted the MOTUC He-Man and showed it to Mattel, who put it out at SDCC to gauge fan reaction.

    From what I know of the Horsemen, they enjoy different projects, and they seem to really be enjoying working on MOTUC.

    I’ve got a new interview with them coming up soon that addresses some of this, albeit not directly.

  15. @Poe: Thank you! Everyone seems to think they know what 4H think. Like Mattel has them chained up in some dungeon somewhere forcing them to do these. Jeepers Creepers! I pointed it out in a comment that it was 4H were the ones who come up with MOTUC He-Man, but it seemed to fall upon deaf ears cuz everyone was too busy shouting at each other.

  16. Poe

    @FB: Sometime this week–maybe tomorrow, it depends on how much I get done.

    And I sure hope we get a MOTUC Scare Glow in 2009…

  17. Poe, I would indeed dismiss you as suffering from a hopeless case of Autobotic Asphyxiation, ’cause for my money, Rustin Parr said it best:

    That is effectively the coolest He-Man figure I have ever seen.


  18. Matthew K

    Heh. You see that a lot in DCUC discussions as well. MOstly it seems like justification for the poster's own personal preferences. Fans are very concerned that the 4H are creatively fulfilled. 🙂

  19. Mark

    All this talk of letting the 4H go mad and re-design as much as they want is stupid. I am an artist and when I am painting I paint what is in front of me, not what I imagine. Has anyone ever considered that maybe….just maybe, this whole re-imaging is what failed the 200x line. I cannot say I am losing any sleep over wanting a 200x style character. The main purpose of the MOTUC is to have the toys we did not have as children, the way they were in the mini-comics. I look at the this custom and I know that it is not He-Man.

  20. Poe

    @Monte: But it feels so good… 😉

  21. Chris

    THE BEST HE-MAN EVER! I like the hair "sculpt". I would buy this for a $20 price tag.

  22. Mark

    MegaGearX not dispiting that, but its classics, there for 80's first then the others. There are more vintage fans so I think it is obvious they will cater for them first all other line secondary. Remember vintage was a hit and made them millions, the other lines did not. So fans like myself do not have the luxury of buying from MattyCollector and have to use Ebay. For He-Man and Beastman I was out over £70 with shipping, which is just over $100. If this was the first figure out and a whole line to back it in shops then I would buy it (still wanting one in original costune) butfor the price I do not know if I coud support the hole line. Especially with having to pay extra on ebay.

  23. MegaGearX

    Mark, it isn’t He-Man for you, but what of the 200X fan who grew up with or got into MOTU with 200X He-Man? It’s the same as the fan who got into MOTU in 1989 with NA He-Man. There are more He-Mans who head lines other than the vintage version, you know.

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