A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Merry Christmas from the Ghostals!

This was the photo Dr. Mrs. Ghostal and I took for our Christmas cards this year. These are our two guinea pigs, Tribble and Nibbler. DMG knitted the hats. I know it’s not toy-related, but it was just too cute not to share. Merry Christmas!

Christmas piggies


The view from my window, part II…


Ol’ Coal Eyes is Back!


  1. John

    You mean they're not part of the next Beast Wars Transformers line???!!? I would've bought one of each and terrorized my cat 🙂

    Great picture!!

  2. Silly me. I thought that picture was of you and your wife.

  3. I see Tribble and Nibbler got some work while you're out in LaLaLand.


  4. Poe

    That's awesome, MP. The one on the right in the first pic looks a lot like Nibbler.

  5. Awesome. Except for the part where Nibbler (Tribbler?) is wearing his hat askew, like a Frenchman.

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