ODD: DCUC4 has arrived, and the winner is: James B! His selection of October 9 was right on the money. He’ll be recieving a mint-on-card Batman Beyond. That contest is over, but you can still win some free Z.O.M.B.I.E. toys! I’ll be reviewing DCUC4 over the course of next week, since you people seem to like reviews.
END: Is it just me, or does it seem like this has become a pretty dead period for toys and toy news? Maybe everyone’s holding back for Christmas, or maybe the looming economic recession is weighing heavily on everyone’s minds…I don’t know. Just seems dead lately.
ODD: You may have noticed I’ve added a link to my Twitter feed in the upper right corner. If you’ve ever wondered what random thoughts pass through Poe’s mind on a daily basis, this link’s for you.
END: Poe’s Patented CSI: Miami mini-review: OK, let me think…what was last night’s episode about? Oh yeah, the Russian mafia. I’m guessing mob boss Ivan (seriously, CSI: Miami? Ivan?) will be a recurring villain this season. The promos for this ep suggested it would be about a cannibal serial killer, and I’m kind of disappointed that wasn’t the case. The Russian Mafia? Having dealt with Italian mobsters and the Mala Noche, I guess Horatio’s going to work his way through all the ethnic gangs. I wonder when the Yakuza will show up.
Yes, this is what I watch instead of Heroes. I should turn in my geek badge and lightsaber.
I think whether it's a dead collecting period is determined by what we collect. If you're still into Marvel Legends and Transformers, things are at a very long, constant flow.
For Marvel folks, the Red Hulk wave has come (and hopefully for some, isn't gone), as well as the Walmart Ares wave, and both are frustrating the crap out of them. I just want a damn Crossbones…(and maybe a Guardian…)
For Transformer heads, we're still hunting Animated Ultra Magnus, Fansproject just released their Classics Magnus mod-kit, and Universe/Classics 2.0 is going strong.
I envy those who collect ONLY DCUC. You guys have long, peaceful periods where you can accumulate your funds.
That's true, I was being a bit myopic. I still feel like it's been a bit dead news-wise, though. I suppose that's what happens between SDCC and Toy Fair.
I'm eagerly awaiting release news of the HML 2 Packs with the Iron Men and Sharon/Maria variants.
Hell, I'm still hunting for the Cap/Fury two-pack. I've got the rest…
I wonder how hard it would be to turn the Crossbones figure into a properly scaled Lobo. Sure, there would be a bit of sculpting, but it would be worth it.
My Wal*Mart's clearance aisle doesn't have Hercules, Emma, Or Danger anymore, so I'm crossing my fingers that the WM wave gets there soon.
Here's a thought for a new article, Poe. Have you heard the grumblings about all the latest "dirty" tactics some collectors (or scalpers) have been taking in the figure aisles lately?
There's always been the jerks that mutilate packaging, general scalping and taking toys mercilessly from kids. But now, with rarer DCUC figures and the store-exclusive ML sets, there's new stuff going on. Rare figures are bought, and then lesser figures are sealed in the packaging with the BAF parts missing. I've even seen broken figure pieces in the compartment that the BAF piece was supposed to be.
A new tactic bragged about on certain forums has SOME collectors buying shelfwarming Legends figures at Walmart or elsewhere at clearance prices, buying Red Hulk figures at Target, and then returning the shelfwarmers to Target at the new increased price.
Since Target only uses one SKU regardless of series of ML, the store knows nothing. In the meantime, it screws fellow collectors looking for the already-rare Red Hulk series by clogging the shelves and fooling the store into not ordering or stocking newer figures.
What is your stance on these things? I think there's a lot of BS that comes as a by-product of our hobby, and some of it needs to be addressed. I think such an article would be great.
"Is it just me, or does it seem like this has become a pretty dead period for toys and toy news? Maybe everyone’s holding back for Christmas, or maybe the looming economic recession is weighing heavily on everyone’s minds…"
Seems like you are right on points A and B.
Honestly – anyone watching Heroes should turn in their geek badge and lightsabre. It has become a shameless, derivative piece of hackery that cribs wholesale from Watchmen, X-Men, The Fly (Cronenberg version), Unbreakable and too many other sci-fi/comic/horror references to name – while the show's creator, Tim Kring, continues to assert the foolish notion that he has never read a comic in his life.
I'll leave you with this. Season 1's Big Bad, Linderman, was a misguided super-powered human who's grand plan was to cause a catastrophic act in NYC in his bid to bring a fractured world back together and kickstart a period of peace and enlightenment.
And Kring's never read a comic? Well, if he hasn't – I'm pretty damned sure his co-Executive Produce Jeph Loeb has.