A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Timekeepers in the house! Well, apartment.

More soon…




DCUC Series 4 packaged pics


  1. JPL

    Okay, which one of the three is named Stripe? 😉

  2. captainzero

    OK, — I expected to really like these guys.

    Mine fell apart after I opened him.

    Anyone else have problems??

    His head fell off. His left hand won't stay on.

    His "spurs" won't stay on. I can't move him and he just falls apart.

    Great sculpt by the Horsemen. I love those guys. But my Timekeeper is just useless.

    I had planned to buy all three. Not now.

  3. Poe

    @Captain: I got all three, and while they do fall apart easily, I've got mine standing just find right now. I'm probably going to glue on the spurs.

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