A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

that was quick

DCUC Series 4 found at Meijers.


ToyFare #135, Blackstar, and the Alien Demon


Mattel explains case packs for DCUC7 onward


  1. Tom-Tom

    really? jesus, toy guru said a month and a half. im not believing it till i see some pics.

  2. Tom-Tom

    reading through the topic, their are pics. really crappy ones, but pics no less. let it never be said again that mattels stuff comes out late.

  3. DAAAAAAAAYUM. And I still can't get a Jordan.

  4. thats what she said…

  5. Holy! I haven't been buying everything, but a lot is on the racks all of a sudden. In theory, anyway. Wonder Woman's the must-have in that one for me, but I could be tempted on some of the others.

  6. VinMan

    I can't believe this! I still need Aquaman from series 2 and all of series 3!!!

    They do look freakin awesome though!!

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