ODD: Again, apologies for the lack of updates over the weekend. Posting may be somewhat sporadic throughout this month, but for good reason–I’ve got big plans for October. Big, big plans. If any of you happened to be reading my other blog, Biggerboat, in October ’06, you have an inkling of what’s coming.
END: I downloaded the Xbox Live Arcade game Castle Crashers last week and haven’t stopped playing it. I’ve gotten far more enjoyment out of it than I did, say, The Incredible Hulk game. Crashers is a throwback to the old Konami beat-em-up arcade games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men and The Simpsons. It also pays tribute to dozens of games and movies, from a chase sequence reminiscent of the infamous obstacle course level from Battletoads to a reference to the Terminator’s demise in T2.
However, Crashers adds a lot of content to the basic beat-em-up formula, including an RPG-style upgrade system and tons of hidden weapons, characters, and locations. Of course, the best way to play is to do so with friends, but sadly, hardly anyone I know has the game so far. All of you, please put down that overrated Too Human and download Castle Crashers ASAP!
To get back on topic, I think the Behemoth (the company that made the game) is just throwing money away by not re-releasing their line of Crashers figurines. I’d buy one in a heartbeat.
ODD: I finally found a few DCUC3 figures at retail over the weekend (Green Lantern, Nightwing and Deathstroke). I ended up buying a second Deathstroke and then used parts from both to overcome their respective QC deficiencies. Now I have one with an unscratched sword that fits properly in its scabbard and no ankle problems.
Still looking for that yellow Sinestro, though.
END: Today’s question: which 1980s toy franchise that hasn’t had a revamp yet most deserves one?
M.A.S.K. would be great especially if they stick with realistic modern day vehicles like the first couple of series of the toys did, it would be cool to have a new Thunderhawk to display with my orginal (Matt Tracker is making toy apperance in the 25th Anniversary G.I. Joe line). But there is a great selection still to pick from.
Dungeons and Dragons.
I could go on.
Centurion would be great, they were the only toy line I had nothing from in the 80's, couldn't find any of the toys over here at the time. Hasbro could re-use the Sigma 6 bodies….if they do I will be happy but I will sue them for using my idea, then they can give me money and a load the toys. I am genius.
Inhumanoids. Guys in crazy battle armor? Good. Guys in crazy battle armor fighting vaguely Lovecraftian giant monsters? Potentially, awesome.
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars came out for the virtual console yesterday. I'm afraid I won't be playing any other games for a while…
Glad to hear DCUC03 is starting to show out here!
Inhumanoids would deffinently be cool, great cartoon show.
Its gotta be Thundercats!! Just looking at what Mattel and the 4H are doing with MOTU classics makes me wish Lion-o and the rest were getting the same treatment.
I don't know why we haven't seen a new Thundercats toy line. I think Warner Bros. has the rights to the show now, and presumably the toy rights as well…if that's the case, it's entirely possible WB will make a deal with Mattel for a toy line, since they already have a relationship with them for DC comics and movies.
How would people feel about a MOTUC-style Thundercats line?
secret wars would certainly be interesting
Visionaries up in this muh fucka!
Thundercats, for the Pumyra and Cheetara, really.
A MOTUC-style TCats line would rule. I think it was Jin Saotome who did the Lion-O custom. It really did a great job of showing how good the figures could look given today's standards.
I still want new Ghostbusters figures. C'mon, NECA, snatch up that license! Movie accurate sculpts with Turtle-level articulation!
Thundercats would rule. Hopefully Mattel get the rights, if they made them the same style as the MOTU Classics it would be amazing. WB have confirmed thet are working on a CGI Thundercats movie for summer 2010. They will probably release the toys before the filmso just a year and a half to wait. HO.
Pete….you are aware of the previous NECA Ghostbuster figures. It's not the whole gang, but its a good start if you are looking for them.
Dino-Riders. That might have been early 90's… But the toys and VHS tape that came with it had tons of promise.
Okay, how many people do you know that will play Crashers and haven't played it yet? I'm just wondering.
Mistah Plow and I happen to be slogging thru Too Human co-op right now and having a good time at it. Now, I don't think either one of us would say it is overrated, but it is definitely annoying at times. That said, it does grow on you as you play more, kinda like Crackdown, but can still put you into fits of rage.
In the meantime, I have seen Plow playing Crashers, so you can't complain that no one you know is playing it. I myself have downloaded it, but not played it.
I will.
Then we need to scrape up a fourth so we can get that lame achievement for healing each member in your party…
I played the Demo of Crashers and it is awesome, however being on a tight budget I don't get many Live arcade games. Oh yeah, and my 360s imminent demise isn't really giving me a reason to spend more money on the thing….
OB1 what's your xbox Live handle? I'm Tenric. Not that I'll ever play with you or Poe, but it would be a nice option.
lol @ Monte by the way. I loved Visonaires.
@OB1: Don't mind me, I'm just bitter about seeing everyone playing Too Human (and seriously, a ton of my friends are playing it) leaving me all alone with Castle Crashers. I love CC, but it's clearly one of those games that's 10x better with a group of people, and I don't feel like playing with strangers.
I did play the demo of Too Human and didn't enjoy it much–I thought the combat system was messy and chaotic. If I had Gamefly I might rent it, but I didn't enjoy the demo enough to drop $60 on it. I got action figures to buy!
@Paul: Not that I’ll ever play with you or Poe, but it would be a nice option.
Gee, thanks! π
@Paul: OB1 is my gamertag too.
@Poe: Plow and I will be playing CC soon enough. We'll let you play with us! π
Oh yeah… I had a thought about the toyline revamp too:
My. Little. Pony.
Mistah Plow
@OB1 – Stop speaking for me. I ain't playing Castle Crashers with anyone. Not you. Not Poe.
Well, maybe Paul, since he doesn't want to play with either of you, either.
I ain’t playing Castle Crashers with anyone. Not you. Not Poe.
Awwww….I'm a sad panda π
Can we revamp Rainbow Brite? That'd be pretty cool…
I wasn't saying I wouldn't play with you, but the few times I see you on we are playing completely different games. So by the time I get CC, I bet you'll be sick of it. hehe
Mistah Plow
All right – I've changed my mind. I'll play CC with Poe and OB1 but not Paul. I'm not waiting around until the my 3rd XBOX 720 RRODs on me, sometime in the year 2018, for Paul to get off his kiester and DL this mutha'.
Poe – Sit tight. We're almost done with this one. Real close to Lvl 50.
@Prfktr: How about this? (NSFW)
Mistah Plow
NSFW? – I got three or four real live chicks walking 'round my office dressed much worse than that, as we speak.