A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

For Four

Today marks the four-year anniversary of the day Mrs. Ghostal-to-Be and I started dating. This will probably be the last time we really celebrate this date, since, well, she’ll no longer be Mrs. G2B come August but just Mrs. Ghostal (actually, she may want me calling her “Dr. Ghostal,” since she’ll get her degree in biochemistry next month. Busy year for us!).

But I wanted to pay a small tribute to Mrs. G2B on this occasion, as she has always been not only tolerant but supportive of my hobbies. Our first toy-related interaction that I can remember came before we were dating, when we were just roommates (with two other people as well–long story). Anyway, I had managed to string up my DC Direct Superman on fishing wire, making it appear he was hovering, and in attempt to be friendly (I won’t degrade the concept of flirting by calling it that), I made a point to show her. She was clearly unimpressed, but as she later told me, it wasn’t because she couldn’t believe this guy was showing off how he’d made one of his little toys look like it was flying, but because she’d been thinking, “Yeah, well, of course you used fishing wire–how else would you have done it?”

Mrs. G2B met me just in time for my years-long obsession with Hellboy, though she’s been privy to fads for Lord of the Rings, horror films, Halo and, most recently, Batman and DCUC since then. And she’s always been supportive–as some of you may recall, she even knitted me a Batman doll.

That’s not to say she won’t use my love of toys as a source of endless personal amusement at my expense, but it’s all in fun. I think.

Four years ago, I took one of the most important steps in my life. And I think I knew it, even then, but I’ve certainly become more and more sure of it ever since.

OK, end OT sappiness…


The Incredible Hulk


Ask Mattel > June 16 edition


  1. Those cheesy movies always talk about finding someone who can accept you for who you are, and I think, for people with hobbies as eccentric as ours, that's doubly important. Congrats to you guys!

    P.S.–As a side note, it's weird how closely certain things parallel–Amber and I hit the 4-year mark just recently and, what with our wedding coming up too…)

    P.P.S.–Amber's not going to be a doctor, though, that I know of.

    P.P.P.S.–Does 'Rockology' count as a science? Because if so, then I totally recant my last post script.

  2. I'm wondering if I can get you to be one of my references for a boyfriend application I'm filling out. Apparently I need 3 references who are not a blood relative who know me in a capacity that is neither friend nor coworker.

    Yes anonymous internet acquaintanceship shall pay off!

  3. dwaltrip

    Nice story Poe. Congrats to you two.

  4. Cool and congrats!

    I think it's funny how I'd be super amazed at my own work at making something "float" or "fly" using fishing wire and I think my chick would have the same reaction.

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