It’s safe to say DC Universe Classics is my favorite toy line of the moment–and for the foreseeable future. Some have hailed it as Super Powers redux, and with its excellent renditions of the SP-era Lex Luthor and Brainiac, it’s hard to argue with that logic. But DCUC is more than a nostalgia line; with Lightray, Black Lightning, and Amazo already on the way, it’s clear Mattel and the Four Horsemen are committed to a very diverse mix of characters. And with Lobo as the SDCC exclusive, it would seem the sky is the limit.
However, there are a few characters I’m pretty certain we won’t see–but I’d like to, anyway. In the list below, I run down five characters I’d like to see in DCUC and why. Before anyone gets worked up, I should clarify that I wouldn’t want to see these until after all the A-listers and most of the B-listers have been produced. They’d be best sold as exclusives, since they’ll have absolutely no household recognition and even very little fan recognition.
(Thanks to ToyOtter for the use of images from his excellent website, the Super Powers Archive. Also, most of the “Who he is” text was swiped from the characters’ Wikipedia entries.)
Background: The third wave of Super Powers figures included three characters who had never appeared in a comic book. One of these was the rather unimaginatively named Samurai, though he had an edge on the other two because he’d appeared fairly frequently as a member of the Justice League in the 1970s Super Friends cartoon. I’m not sure why someone as obscure as Samurai got an action figure in Super Powers when there were plenty of existing DC characters to choose from, but I suppose his appearances on the kid-targeted Super Friends make him a decent pick for a toy line.
Who he is: Toshio Eto was a history professor. One day, Eto was struck by a beam of light sent by the New Gods of New Genesis, who were trying to create more superheroes to defend the world from Darkseid. Although Eto briefly ran wild with his new powers, the New Gods explained their intent to him and he vowed to become a superhero.
Why I’d like to see him in DCUC: Since he has never officially been introduced in the comics, Samurai is ripe for an innovative, unique Four Horsemen re-interpretation. The Horsemen went wild with their redesigns on the 2002 He-Man line, and I can only imagine what they could do with someone like Samurai, who is obscure enough to allow the Horsemen to do whatever they want with him. I can see this is as a great exclusive–something that will appeal to collectors and fans of Super Powers, but one more casual fans of the DCU can pass up.
Suggestions for a DCUC redesign: If their work on MOTU is any indication, the Horsemen like to take small, odd details on the original toy and amp them up. In the case of Samurai, I think the strangest trait is his weird sword; I can see the Horsemen developing it into a huge, sweeping serrated monstrosity. Other than that, though, there’s really not a lot to work with here.
Background: Not to be confused with another DCU character of the same name, Cyclotron was another original character added to the third wave of Super Powers. He never appeared in the “real” DCU, though he did make an appearance in some comics based on the toy line.
Who he is: According to his toy packaging, Cyc was an android built by Superman. He was then programmed with all the powers and weaknesses of every superhero and supervillain in order to be the Justice League’s tactician. The package also said that Cyclotron was capable of little independent thought. So basically he’s Red Tornado, only stupid.
Why I’d like to see him in DCUC: Again, like Samurai, very few people (except the very geekiest) would care if the Horsemen went wild in their redesign of Cyclotron. He even looks slightly cool as is (though the Ricardo Montalban Wrath of Khan-style waxed chest has got to go). It’s possible a Horsemen redesign might make him cool enough to incorporate into the real DCU (it’s happened before, most notably with the George Perez design for Lex Luthor’s Super Powers suit, which showed up in the comics).
Suggestions for a DCUC redesign: The cool feature here is the removable face. I imagine the Horsemen could make a fantastic robotic visage to hide beneath a fleshy superheroic exterior. I’d also add more robotic detailing on the costume.
Background: The last of the Super Powers original trio, and the one with the most redesign potential, given the Horsemen’s fondness for shiny gold ornamentation.
Who he is: Ashley Halberstam was a British Egyptologist. While on an expedition in Giza, he was struck by a bolt of energy emanating from the New Gods. This bolt of energy awakened his latent superpowers. Calling himself Golden Pharaoh, he became a superhero. He could draw power from anything pyramid-shaped, which makes no sense at all.
Why I’d like to see him in DCUC: Again, see the examples above. If anyone could make this character cool, it’s the Four Horsemen.
Suggestions for a DCUC redesign: Go heavy on the Egyptian influence blended with a technological feel–think Anubis from the original Stargate flick. I mean, the guy gets his power (such as it is…) from the New Gods, after all.
Background: OK, I’m partly including this guy for my pal Rustin Parr (he knows why). El Dorado, believe it or not, was not only a Super Friends regular, but he very nearly had a Super Powers figure! That makes him more than qualified for a DCUC figure in my book–heck, he probably ranks higher than Azrael or Doomsday with some people.
Who he is: Originally from Mexico, El Dorado was added as one of several attempts to encourage diversity among the characters. Like other ethnic characters added during this period, he was seen as somewhat stereotypical. El Dorado spoke broken English with an accent, sporadically substituting common Spanish words or phrases, such as adding words like “rapido” and replacing nearly every instance of “yes” with “si.”
Why I’d like to see him in DCUC: He’s hilariously offensive! In all seriousness, this one would be a true challenge for the Horsemen’s skills. Could even their vast sculptural powers make El Dorado cool?
Suggestions for a DCUC redesign: Hoo boy…I suppose you could go all-out with the Aztec aesthetic, a la Alien vs. Predator. But I think the Horsemen would be best off starting from scratch…maybe basing him on some sort of scary Aztec god. Or make him a kind of golden robot-type.
Background: Vincent Price’s campy villain from the 1960s Batman TV show, for some reason Egghead has never shown up in the comics (I’m betting he’s the mastermind behind “Batman R.I.P.”). While he was pretty campy on the show, I can see a good writer like Grant Morrison or Ed Brubaker making Egghead a creepy and effective villain (heck, I’d rather Bats fight him than Black Mask or Great White or any of those other johnny-come-latelies). The character was played by Vincent Price, for heaven’s sake–surely he can be redeemed.
Who he is: Egghead was known for his pale bald head and white and yellow suit. He believed himself to be “the world’s smartest criminal,” and his crimes would usually have an egg-motif to them as well as including egg puns in his speech where appropriate such as “egg-zactly” and “egg-cellent.” Additionally, he would use a wide assortment of egg-shaped weapons, such as laughing gas eggs and tear gas eggs (laid by chickens on a diet of onions).
Why I’d like to see him in DCUC: Again, I just think Egghead’s time has come.
Suggestions for a DCUC redesign: Egghead should be extremely creepy. Use a kind of dark Humpty-Dumpty motif, perhaps, or just give him a bald, oddly-shaped head and a thin, gangly body. Make him jaundiced, like an egg yolk. But keep Vincent Price’s looks.
Egg-celent! I've always been a fan of Egg Head!
Zombie Ted
What? No love for Apache Chief, Black Vulcan or the Wonder Twins?! I think DC underestimates how many people actually remember Zan, Jayna and Gleek. 🙂
you're a sick, sick man. and this is why i pay to read your work.
Jim Abell
Ya know, you actually make good points with every one of them. To follow up on what Zombie Ted said, how cool would it be to have the Horsemen re-imagine the Hanna-Barbera heroes? For that matter, what about King Tut?…
(yeah, and I want that Egghead, too)
Thanks for the comment, Jim!
Your idea made me think of a Four Horsemen Space Ghost. And as cool as the Art Asylum figure was, the thought of a DCUC-style Space Ghost is just too cool.
WB owns Hanna-Barbera now, don't they? There was a Space Ghost DC comic…why not a DCUC exclusive? (And for that matter, why doesn't DC incorporate Space Ghost into the DCU? I think he'd work well with the whole Green Lantern mythos.)
I was with you…right up until Egghead! 🙂
Is a guy obsessed with eggs really more goofy then a character who has a thing for the number two? Or a guy who spends too much time with penguins? I say bring on an Egghead figure.
This actually reminds me of a website that was discussing lesser DC villians that never appeared on the various Batman cartoons in the 90s. Egghead made the list.…
What about the Riddler's counterpart… "The Puzzler"??? Surely he should be immortalized in plastic! 🙂