A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Transformers: Animated arrives early?

If you can’t wait until June for the first wave of Transformers: Animated figures to hit shelves, you may be in luck! Yesterday, the Hasbro Toy Shop Catalogue began hitting mailboxes, and yours truly happened to receive one. Inside is a full page spread featuring the first wave of Transformers: Animated figures. Hasbro is reporting that these will be available via Hasbro Toy Shop on March 25th!

In the Deluxe Class are Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Lockdown, and Prowl while in the Voyager Class are Starscream and Megatron. Deluxe Transformers are listed as $9.99 and Voyager as $19.99 each. Still want more? On the back of the catalogue, there is a discount for 10% off any purchase $50 or more, and free shipping! Enter the promo code SPRCAT8 to receive the discount; the offer expires April 30th, 2008.



Poe’s Figure Hall of Fame > Face-Off Hulk


Poe’s Point > Here come the price hikes


  1. Heh. I bet they sell out in days.

  2. No kidding! Considering that they're going for insane prices on e-Bay! As much as I'd love to call on March 25th, I don't know if I can because I haven't budgeted for it this month. I was hoping to pick up DCUC Wave 2. Then again I can always go on my bread & water diet again! 🙂


  3. Yeah, DCUC2 is my top toy priority. Of course, it still falls behind real life priorities, like car repairs and vet appointments for the dog.

    Stupid real life. Stop getting in the way!

  4. *sexes HasbroToyShop*

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