Comic > “Good Night Rider” By Poe On February 27, 2008 In Comics, Humor Previous Odds ‘n Ends > One-Twelfth Scale Edition Next Plastic withdrawal 2 Comments Paul How true. I mean, were they dropping him off in the middle east at the end? HOw the f is a car like that supposed to blend in the surroundings? And they had to be so over serious with it. It would have been a bit more fun if it was a little more tongue in cheek. February 27, 2008 Esbat I want the Hoff back! February 28, 2008
How true. I mean, were they dropping him off in the middle east at the end? HOw the f is a car like that supposed to blend in the surroundings?
And they had to be so over serious with it. It would have been a bit more fun if it was a little more tongue in cheek.
I want the Hoff back!