ODD: PGPoA will be moving to a new Web host soon, so there may be some hiccups over the course of the next few weeks. Do not attempt to adjust your monitor if something goes wrong–chances are, I goofed something up. I’ll have more updates on this later in the week, but there’s a chance the site be offline for most of next weekend.
The new Web host will allow me to split PGPoA, Biggerboat and my other new website (for my wedding, if you must know) into separate domains. What does this mean for you, dear reader? Nothing. Nothing at all. Just makes my life a wee bit easier.
END: Saw Cloverfield over the weekend. Working on the review. Short version: enjoyed it, want an action figure of the monster, but not sure I’ll buy the DVD.
ODD: I finally found my KITT toy. I took some new photos and added them to my earlier review.
END: Mrs. Ghostal-to-Be and I have been playing a lot of Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros’ Treasure. It’s fun stuff, though it’s more of a puzzle game and less of an adventure game than I’d been led to believe.
ODD: Much like my recent Batman redeco mock-ups, collector RM did some Photoshop-fu on NECA’s upcoming Ninja Turtles figures. Check it out.
END: The next round of voting for the 2008 FANtastic Exclusive is underway. Cast your vote!
Mumma Ghostal
LOVE the Odds and Ends column!!
And where'd ya' find KITT?
I saw Cloverfield as well!… I really don't have much else to add I suppose…
So what's the verdict on that Batmobile?
@MG–KITT was stored in the luggage in the closet, a common storage spot for us between trips. I should have thought of it earlier.
@Paul–Shoot me an email and let me know what you thought of it.
@Pete–I like it. It's hard to take good photos of because it's so big, but I think it's pretty cool. I'd prefer a 6"-scale Tumbler, but I don't know if we'll ever see that.