A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Mock-ups of possible DCUC Batman redecos

Spent a little time with Photoshop today mocking up these potential redecos of the DCUC Batman figure. The third one would be a must-buy for me. (Though I’m sure it would be one of those cases where Mrs. Ghostal-to-Be would be completely perplexed as to why I needed yet another Batman.)

I think I did a decent job with my amateur Photoshop skills. The original photo is at the bottom for comparison.

DCUC Batman repaint mock-up 1

DCUC Batman repaint mock-up 2


DCUC Batman


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  1. Eric

    Hey that looks ver nice. You never know what Mattel may do. They may make a Batman like this one.

  2. The answer is very simple. There is *always* a need for more Batman figures.

  3. Tom-Tom

    poe, your such a copy cat…

  4. Poe

    What did I copy?

  5. Esbat

    Now that 3rd one, i can see why its needed to be owned.

  6. Tom-Tom

    the 90's batman i made with MWC's pic. i dont really care, yours is better anyway.

  7. PrfktTear

    i like the first… i've always been more of a fan of batman with a black cape & cowl and the grey chest & legs, but the clincher is the yellow oval with the bat symbol.


  8. Poe

    @T-T–I think I remember that…but mine wasn't really meant to be a '90s Batman, just a black repaint.

  9. Tom-Tom

    oh, my bad.

    but like i said, your photoshop skills are way better than mine.

  10. RM

    Neat job there Poe.

    I did some photomanipulation of my own recently with NECA's TMNT figures.

    I'd be interested to get your thoughts on them.


  11. Poe

    Hey RM–

    Those look really good! I'm not sure whether or not NECA will be able to do that kind of redeco, since the colored Turtles might technically represent a different license (the cartoons). But if they can do it, I bet they will.

    I posted a link to your blog over in my Sold Separately section. Great work!

  12. RM

    Thanks much for the link!

    I asked Steve Murphy over at Mirage about the licencing issues with coloration, and apparently Neca's free to do any colors they want (pending licencor approval), so who knows what they'll cook up in the future…

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