A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Got back?

thu_grundy_close_up_1.jpgThe DC Universe Classics Info Archive has got their hands on some cool new photos of DCUC wave three, including rear views. I’m happy to see Nightwing has back-sheathes for his Eskrima sticks, and the close-up of Solomon Grundy highlights the Horsemen’s excellent head sculpt.


Contest! > Everybody into the Pool


Dark Knight photos leaked


  1. I, too, was very happy to see those back-sheathes. Good thinking on their part!

    This is actually the DCUC wave I'm really drooling over. Even the figs I'm not as interested in (Deathstroke and Sinestro) are still completely awesome!

    But, man, I can't wait for those GL, Nightwing, and Robin figs.

  2. Tom-Tom

    i did not know grundy had green eyes

  3. Poe

    I hate to admit it, but the Sinestro variant is looking more and more appealing to me…particularly since that appears to be his new standard uniform. But of all the DCUC figures so far, the one I'm looking forward to most is Robin.

    As for Grundy, I have no idea what color his eyes are…but the Horsemen's sculpt looks pretty cool.

  4. Tom-Tom

    their a lighter shade of green:


  5. Esbat

    I… I want to sex that Robin. OWN, OWN THAT ROBIN.

  6. Poe

    I think this is the best costume Robin has ever had. The original outfit was obviously a bit too…I can't believe it hung around as long as it did. Batman went through three or four costume alterations while Robin was still running around in those elf-shoes and scaled underwear throughout the '80s.

    I would like a variant or exclusive with the Tim Drake red-and-green outfit, but this will definitely be my "default" Robin figure.

  7. Esbat

    I liked the green/brown look of the 2003 Mattel Battle Board Robin.

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