Toy News International has posted a photo of the Batman figure from the upcoming six-inch line based on The Dark Knight. The line’s sub-title is apparently “Movie Masters,” which presumably means it will cover more than just this one film (and possibly non-Batman films such as Superman Returns and Justice League).
Over on their FANtastic Exclusive forums, the Four Horsemen are a bit uncertain whether the photo is definitely of their prototype or not, but they do offer this tidbit about the figures: “They match up in both scale and articulation with the DC Universe Classics figures. The articulation is really well hidden in that figure.”
More details about the Movie Masters line will be revealed at Toy Fair next month. Along with DCUC and the NECA Ninja Turtles, this is one of my most-anticipated lines for 2008.
That looks like something I'd actually want. I ignored the last assortment of figrues from Batman Begins. I can't wait to see their treatment of Joker.
I'm glad we're getting 6" versions. I had an opportunity at a lot of 3 Collector Edition Batman figs from the last movie, but passed on it, because for all that it was a great deal, he was too small.
Yeah, I passed on the Collector Edition Bats for the same reason. I still might have bought him if he'd had a ball jointed neck.