A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.


The Four Horsemen have hit yet another roadblock on their quest to get quality figures of the 2007 FANtastic Exclusive, Ramathorr, into the hands of collectors.

The new factory was finally able to take possession of the molds recently and inspect them in preparation for production. During their inspection they’ve noticed that some of the molds have a small amount of surface rust because the previous factory had left them sitting, un-oiled and uncovered for an extended period of time. This surface rust is not enough that it will weaken the quality of the detail in the figures, but it is enough that all of the molds will need to be thoroughly cleaned and greased before they can begin running the new batch of figures. […] It now looks as if we may be able to have the product in our warehouse and be able to begin shipping everything out in mid to late March. That is if nothing else rears its ugly head. Please keep your fingers crossed, bear with us, and we’ll update you as often as possible with any further developments.

RamathorrI own a Ramathorr from the first production run that a friend of mine got me at last year’s San Diego Comic Con. I can vouch for the multiple QC problems these figures have–very loose joints, poorly glued tusks, weapons that won’t fit in their holsters. I suspect the Horsemen will offer some sort of replacement deal for those who already got a Ramathorr or one of his variants, but I decided to just order another one off their website. They’ve already taken enough of a bath on this thing as it is.


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1 Comment

  1. PrfktTear

    I feel really bad for the 4H, cuz you know they want to deliver to the fans, but these "roadblocks" just keep popping up. I know they've been having trouble with the MOTU stactions too with the statues not standing up on their own, my Jitsu arrived with his ponytail broken off. I've heard other horror stories too.


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