A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

DCUC 3 variants

Action Figure Insider has posted the first pics of the variants for wave 3 of DC Universe Classics: an unmasked Deathstroke and Sinestro in his “Sinestro Corps” uniform.

These variants continue the DCUC trend of not particularly interesting me. If I got the Sinestro Corps variant, I’d probably keep it, but I wouldn’t deliberately track it down. I’d trade the unmasked Deathstroke for the regular version.

I’m kind of glad there isn’t a Robin variant with the earlier Tim Drake red/green costume…it saves me from having to buy two Robins and then agonize over which to display.






Batman, circa 1990


  1. JPL

    I don't know. They look rather good to me. Of course, this is coming from someone who remembers the DC Toy Biz figures of the early 90s.

    By the way, I was on Wizard's website and there is suppose to be another wave of figures inspired by the Alex Ross' drawings on Justice.


    I'm kinda digging the Toyman design and how it looks like a wooden marionette. Your reaction?

  2. Poe

    Oh, I think the figures look fantastic–I'm just not really interested in these particular paint schemes.

    Yeah, the Toyman sculpt is really well done. It would be the bee's knees if it were made out of actual wood, but I doubt that…I'm also wondering if it'll be as articulated as it looks. I usually don't buy DCD figures, but I'm almost definitely going to get Despero unless one gets added to the DCUC line.

  3. JPL

    It would be really cool if the figure was made from wood. Certainly would make it stand out from most action figures.

    It gets bonus points for resembling the character from Challenge of the Super Friends. Although, my favorite design on Toyman was from the animated Superman cartoon from the late 90s: bow tie, sweater vest, creepy doll mask, and voiced by Bud Cort. That could make a good figure.

  4. Esbat

    I'm not a monster huge fan of any of the characters in this particular wave, but each character has piqued my interest in one way or another over the last 3-4 years, so I'm basically going to be buying the entire wave, and now I have to get the variants. I don't normally do this… I'm a spot collector, not a completest. Oddly enough I didn't even know Grundy was a BAF I thought he was just another figure I was going to buy, awesome enough to know he's the cherry on top of this sundae of comic figure awesomeness.

  5. Poe

    I hardly know anything about many of these characters (though I'm learning), but not counting variants, I'm a definite completist on this line. It's simply one of the best action figure lines I've ever seen.

  6. Esbat

    DC Universe has struck that hard line between Articulation and Likeness that DC Direct and Marvel Legends fans have battled over for over half a decade.

  7. Get yourself a copy of the DC Encyclopedia for these situations.

  8. Ugh, hit post too soon. I meant to say that I have one and it rocks.

  9. Poe

    @Esbat–I have to agree. Through much trial and error, the Horsemen and Mattel have hit that sweet spot.

    @Paul–We have a copy of the DC Encyclopedia at the library I work at, and it is indeed a sweet, sweet book. Probably a little out of my price range at the moment–maybe next Christmas.

    @Pete–new character repaints are always the best. I probably don't know enough about Firestorm to care either way–I'll just take whichever one I get. But it'd be cool if they made a bunch of Green Lantern variants, like Kyle Rayner and John Stewart…actually, I bet we see one or both of those two as SDCC exclusives this year.

  10. Yeah, so far, the only variants at all that I’ve been interested in as far as DCUC goes is Firestorm and Superman from wave two. Superman because, well, technically you don’t *have* the whole character unless you have both, and Firestorm because the variant is actually a different person, which is always something I dig with variants. Zemo or the Vells are good examples.

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