A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

My new Batman figure review is up at OAFE

My review of the black-and-gray repaint Batman has been posted over on OAFE. Be sure to check it out–my editor, yo go re, added a nice effect with one of the photos that shows what some other possible repaints might have been.

Batman review

On a related note, I was reading The Dark Knight Archives Volume 1–one of my Xmas gifts–when I came across the following panel from an old 1940 comic. The context is that Batman has figured out that an old woman is actually Catwoman in disguise and is taking off her make-up. When she resists, he says the obvious thing. (I swear this isn’t Photoshopped–this is the real panel. And keep in mind, Robin is standing nearby–way to set an example, Bruce.)

Papa spank


Poe’s Point > The Magic Toys ‘R Us


Poe’s Point > An Appreciation of the Ball Jointed Neck


  1. Mumma Ghostal

    What is a “repaint”? Is that the same thing as when you made me paint your old Wolverine figure to represent his new costume colors?

  2. Tom-Tom

    it’s painting a figure to get a desired look. so, yes.

    that papa spank panel is disturbing…

  3. Poe

    That Wolverine is around here somewhere…I’ll see if I can take a pic of it at some point.

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