A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

POP (and MOTU) Goes the Funko

It’s been an open secret for some time, but Funko, makers of fine pop culture merchandise, have the Masters of the Universe license. They’ve already revealed some Wacky Wobblers, which look cool but I didn’t cover because I hate bobbleheads. No offense to Funko, I just think of bobbleheads as broken toys.

But now, finally, we get our first look at the POP-style MOTU figures. He-Man, She-Ra, Skeletor, Hordak and…Spikor? Works for me! I love Spikor. I will own them all.

The pic comes from the Dallas Toy Show and was taken by a friend of Power Pal Joe Amaro, whose incredibly awesome Manta Raider goes on sale October 17.


Monsters take over Pic of the Day!


Pic of the Day > Zilla by ridureyu


  1. I have got to swing by the Funko room before the show ends. This is one bizarre show unlike any other I attend.

  2. My desire for Hordak is intense

  3. Excuse me, Dallas Toy Show??? Why didn't I know of this? How do I attend?

    • Dallas Fall Toy Preview is a weird show. No open exhibits. No media allowed. It's all appointment only. The idea is to show off concepts and product ideas that will then be revealed in February at NYTF.

  4. He-Fool

    The beginning of the end. Now He-Man will be overdone and lose it's lustre like star wars and batman and all pop-culture licences that get over exposed until you don't even care when you see them anymore. Seeing Darth Vader or Boba Fett in so many 'cute' or 'zombie' or whatever 10,000 incarnations kills it for me.

    • Yeah, I can't believe that He-Man has gone all into commercialism and merchandising, either. It was never like this back in the '80s!

      • He-Fool

        Haha touché, totally… I just mean that I've seen so many leatherface bobbleheads and cutsie toys that it has no impact when I see the movie…that kind of thing. I'm not really good at articulating it.

        • I'm honestly amzed that it took this long to get something like this. The original MOTU had mono-colored minis, 200X had slightly larger painted miniature fingers, and they tried to get Heroes-scale small figures for MOTUC once already.

  5. I will buy a few of these, in hopes of showing Mattel there's a market for the Mini Masters.

  6. PresidentJuggernaut

    Spikor in the first wave? This gives me some hope for a Stratos and Man-E-Faces in this style. I guess I don't need the Mini Masters anymore.

  7. Darren

    Spikor before Trap Jaw or Beast Man? That really weird! I've never thought of Spikor as a "A level" bad guy. The shot caller at Funco must have loved his Spikor as a kid.

    • It makes sense to me. For things like this, you try to spread out assortments with a mixture of popular and obscure characters so you don't end up with a series of, say, Spikor, Ninjor, and those spinny top dudes.

  8. I designed these for Funko and Spikor was a licensor request… more like a MUST if we were going to acquire the license. So whatever licensor wants, licensor gets. Thanks for all the great comments.

  9. AmericanHyena


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