- I should be able to announce the winner of the Diamond Select Spider-Man contest very soon…just waiting on FOTD to pick the winner. I will say these Mad Libs contests take forever to cut-and-paste…gotta figure out a mail merge or something.
- I’ve finally updated the Review Archive into the searchable, versatile format I’ve always wanted. It’s completely comprehensive, covering ten years’ worth of my reviews across numerous websites (the current total is 327 reviews, incidentally, with an additional nineteen guest reviews here on PGPoA). Give it a test drive, try out the search function, let me know what you think! And of course, let me know if you find any problems or omissions. Thanks to NoisyDvL5 of IAT for the recommendation of the WP-Table Reloaded plugin.
- The “Reviewing Samples” series has proven to be more popular than I expected. There are a few more posts coming, including one where I round up reader responses (although we’ve already received a lot of those in the comments on the actual posts).
- Pixel Dan has been posting video reviews of all of Mattel’s SDCC exclusives. You can find them all at his website, but for the lazy, here’s Dana as Zuul, DKR MM Bruce Wayne to Batman, and good ol’ Vykron.
George Cordova
You know your readers so well. I wasn't going to Dan's website but since the links were there and I wanted to see an HD or at least visible "featurette" of the DKR exclusive I was able to see it. Thank you hahah
This Odds 'n Ends image makes me sad because there is a Xevoz head there.
I miss that line. I wish I hadn't sold my collection to pay for college.
don't feel too bad… i gave my collection of xevoz to my kids about 3 months ago, and what we have experienced in unpacking those figs is a plethora of loose joints, several breakages at the walls of the ball joints, and some melting of the clear plastic pieces (the clear plastic that had paint on it, apparently, turns to molten PVC on contact w/ any other kind of plastic… several nice accessories were lost of the pieces that turned to goo).
i loved the line too, but apparently, they were not designed for the long haul.
Hey I’m new to the site but I’m diggin it so far. I read your Cinema of Fear part 3 Jason review from a while back. I noticed you got it in Harvard square. I’m from the Cambridge area and Im just wondering if you would be willing to sell it. Email me if you’re interested @ jmachado1995@gmail.com