Inspired by’s Roast Gooble Dinner podcast, welcome to PGPoA’s latest MOTUC Bio Discussion!
Icarius Bio
Real Name: TC Icarius Kaz
A great pilot from the cloud city of Levitan on planet Primus, Icarius is equipped and ready to “flip†into battle at a moment’s notice. After his 18th birthday, he left home to join the Galactic Protectors. Rising to the rank of Lieutenant, Icarius traveled with Captain Hydron on his quest to find the legendary twin warriors prophesied to defeat the Horde Empire. Arriving on the distant planet Eternia® shortly after the end of the Second Ultimate Battleground, they recruited not only He-Man® and She-Ra®, but several other Masters of the Universe® who were eager to pursue Skeletor® to the stars. Nicknamed “Flipshot,†Icarius utilizes a battle helmet, back mounted jet pack and concussion grenade wrist rockets in battle against Skeletor and his new Space Mutant army.
At least this bio does give us a little background on Icarius himself (the “TC” in his name is a tribute to former MOTUC project manager TC Chen, who worked on both the 1980s Icarius/Flipshot and the MOTUC version). Not a lot of background, but we know he’s a pilot, that he’s from Levitan on Primus, that he’s a lieutenant and that he’s nicknamed “Flipshot” (a reference to his 1980s American toy name; the toy was called Icarius on international packaging because “Flipshot” was too difficult to translate effectively).
Of all the various MOTU iterations awkwardly jammed into the MOTUC storyline, none seem quite as contrived to me as the New Adventures stuff. As I recall, Skeletor defeats Hordak and immediately takes off into space to take over the Horde Empire and conquer the galaxy. Enter the Galactic Protectors, who recruit He-Man, She-Ra and other Heroic Warriors to fight the Skeletor-led Horde. If you’re trying to figure out how the MOTUC timeline works out, this thread on does the job as thoroughly as possible right now.
I wonder if Icarius ever sailed the seas of cheese.
Thomas b
Really? So a guy with an elephant head fits in better? Lol.
Poe Ghostal
It's not the character, it's the storyline/world of NA. Whereas MOTU and Millennium MOTU were sword and sorcery with a little science fiction thrown in, NA is science fiction with a little bit of sword and sorcery thrown in.
Yeah, pretty much. Most of MOTU could work if the tech was "lost technology," and only used because a few people remembered how to operate it. The NA stuff, not so much.
At least TG is making the NA canon more like the Filmation offworld adventures of He-Man and company instead of sending him to the future.
Dead Man Walking
Apropos of nothing, but I know you're a big Batman fan. Did you know this existed?…
Poe Ghostal
I remember seeing that before, yeah. The red-lined boobs and the NFL-linebacker-on-steroids neck aren't very appealing. But more to the point, I'm just not as big a fan of the movie versions of Batman as I am the comic book version (or versions very similar to the comic book, like the Arkham games). So I'm not as likely to spend the money for an expensive super-articulated version of him.
Dead Man Walking
I hear you. But that Batpod is amazing. I think the line is like a 7-inch scale, so it would probably go well with a lot of figures. But of course it's really expensive.
As good as Nolan's Batman movies are, I think the adherence to realism is a detriment. It dilutes the possibilities of Batman's Rogue's Gallery and equipment, which are my favorite parts of the comics. Also, he's not much of a detective in the films. B:TAS was the only screen adaptation that got the formula right, IMHO.
The Bio itself is pretty vanilla… Mmm! Vanilla! No groan inducing clones, second born sons, no brothers being eaten, no one released by Evil Lyn, etc.
Now the ONE thing that bothers me is that She-Ra AND Others went to Primus with He-Man… That kinda defeats the whole Adam of Levitan identity AND the fact that Adam/He-Man is alone on an alien world away from his loved ones.
I wish that NA really got to show that it was the far future of MOTU. We could have seen stuff like a He-Man statue, history books or discs, the ruins of Grayskull or other MOTU landmarks.
This bio is fine for me. I do think for the most part the NA stuff has been handled the best bio wise. No future crap and just set in present day so all the MOTU characters can participate.
NA would probably have been more widely accepted if that had always been the case.