He sat in the ragged chair. Its yellowed stuffing burst from a dozen seams. A small TV flickered before him. It was one of his favorite programs–CCTV footage spliced from the TYGER cameras that loomed over every street corner of the so-called Arkham City.
The footage, barely visible, showed a small, dark figure skulking about a rooftop. Abruptly he stopped and ducked behind an HVAC unit. And then–enter stage left!–a group of well-armored security officers–TYGER thugs, he knew–creeped into view. They kept their automatic rifles in front of them, evidently aware of the intruder’s presence.
Then there was a blur of motion. Perhaps twenty seconds past, and when it was over, five TYGER officers were on the ground, moaning, and the figure was leaping off the roof into the darkness.
A short laugh–more a dry cough, really–crackled from his bloody throat. He idly fingered the tip of the item in his hand. It was a tire iron…a very special tire iron, one he had kept safe for years now. Too many good memories. And who knew? Maybe it had a few more in store.
The Arkham videogames have quickly become big business for DC Comics. While DC attempts to draw in new readers with the New 52 initiative, today’s young generation is becoming familiar with their characters much more from movies like The Dark Knight and videogames like Batman: Arkham City. I wonder how the two million copies of Arkham City sold in October compares to the total money the comics division of DC Entertainment will make in 2011.
It doesn’t hurt that the Arkham games are excellent, with top-notch gameplay and compelling stories written by master Batman scribe Paul Dini. To me, the Arkham games have felt like a more adult version of the 1990s animated series, which makes sense given the staff involved (Dini writing, Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill voicing Batman and the Joker, respectively).
But perhaps my favorite thing about the games is their aesthetic. The art style and character designs walk a fine line between the realism of The Dark Knight and the look of the comics. It’s a difficult balance that could easily come out looking terrible, but the art team at Rocksteady Studios nailed it. In some ways it’s the superhero equivalent of Hasbro’s G.I. Joe: The Pursuit of Cobra toys–more realistic takes on iconic character designs.
Because the aesthetic is so distinctive and the games so popular, it’s not surprising toymakers ranging from DC Direct to Mattel to Square Enix have all jumped on the bandwagon. The figures from each company differ significantly; Mattel’s are more articulated but the sculpts are soft; DC Direct’s are better-sculpted but less articulated; and while the Square Enix figures look like they’ll have both great sculpting and great articulation, they’re based more on the game’s concept art and SE’s own artistic interpretation than the in-game models.
I reviewed Mattel’s Arkham City Batman & Two-Face set a few months back, and found it disappointing. I didn’t mind the sculpt so much as the poorly-engineered articulation. Let’s see how the second two-pack, Robin and the Joker, fares.
Design & Sculpt: Robin has a very limited role in Arkham City. Aside from a brief cameo in the campaign, the only time you get to do anything with him is in the challenges, and even then only if you got the DCL as part of your Gamestop preorder (which I did). Like every Bat-character he also got an Arkham-ized redesign.
I have mixed feelings on Rocksteady’s redesign of Robin. The shaved head bugs me the most–it’s just so clichéd in videogames these days–but it’s a moot point since you can’t see his head due to the hood. I like the hood, however; while it seems derivative of Assassin’s Creed, it’s a cool look for Robin. The rest of the outfit manages to pay homage to the classic Robin suit, with its red, black and touch of yellow on the cape, while looking like something you might actually wear to fight crooks. Frankly I’d rather see Tim Drake wearing this outfit than his current bird-suit.
Though the packaging doesn’t specify it, the Joker is obviously sickened version (in the game, the Joker is dying from being poisoned by the Titan muscle-enhancement formula he took in Arkham Asylum).
Like the Batman & Two-Face set, these figures are not the Four Horsemen’s work (although the upcoming AC Harley Quinn and Nightwing will be). But they’re both wholly original sculpts. As with the previous set, the sculpts come out looking a little soft. You can see it on details like the Joker’s tie and Robin’s face. I’m not sure whether this is due to the original sculpting or the production process at the factory.
The head sculpt on Robin is passable, but The Joker’s head is terrible. It’s way too small, and it doesn’t look much like the game. I didn’t think the DC Direct version looked quite accurate to the game either, but this one’s worse. The face is too narrow, the smile too big, the face too thin, the eyes too long and wide–it’s just a mess.
Finally, there’s the Joker’s tie. In the game he has a simple bow tie. I can’t find a reference from either game with a tie like that except for a few pieces of concept art, so I’m not sure how it ended up on this figure.
Paint: Obviously the paint apps here aren’t as nice as what we’ve gotten on the DC Direct figures. Robin’s chest looks a bit too toyish due to the red plastic, and the red piping is a bit thick, but for the most part, he looks all right.
The Joker has some decent work on the pinstripes of his suit, but the suit itself is too glossy, and the tie is both gloppy and glossy.
On a side note, I’ve read there’s supposedly a running change variant of Robin with a brighter red on the chest and a differently-styled “R.” I haven’t been able to find comparison pics so I’m not sure if I’ve got the brighter or muted version.
Articulation: This is the main selling point of these figures. Like Batman and Two-Face, it’s a mixed bag.
Robin has a ball jointed head, but due to the hood it’s difficult to get it to look up or down. He also has ball jointed shoulders, swivel biceps, hinged elbows, swivel wrists, a swivel waist, H-hinge hips, swivel thighs, hinged knees, and hinged ankles. There’s no abdomen joint, which I think was a mistake for such an acrobatic character. And as with all Arkham City figures so far, the ankles lack the rocker joint, which I hate.
The Joker has almost all the same articulation, except for the following: his feet don’t move at all and his head isn’t a ball joint, but he does have an abdomen joint. This makes no sense to me at all. I’d much rather have had an ab joint on Robin than the Joker. The lack of the ball jointed head is just annoying.
Accessories: Here’s one place where Mattel could have made up some ground, but no. No Mattel Arkham City has had an accessory yet, and apparently they weren’t going to start now. For the Joker it’s not that big a deal, I suppose, but it seems ridiculous to have a Robin with no staff. On the other hand, since one hand is sculpted as a fist and the other is almost completely open, he couldn’t hold a staff even if you tried to give him one.
Quality Control: No problems.
Overall: With this set, you get two unique-but-mediocre sculpts with disappointing articulation and no accessories. As an avowed Arkham Asylum/City fan, there was no way I could have skipped this set. But I can only recommend it to people who are big fans of the game. Don’t go looking for a replacement for your DCUC Robin or Joker here (although the Joker could arguably be decent with a replacement head–but he’ll still be too tall next to your DCUC figures). A DCD Robin is on his way, and while he’ll be less articulated I think he might be a more satisfying figure.
I’ll be honest: Robin has grown on me, despite his flaws. But the Joker? Bleh. It’s become clear that while DC Direct seems to be putting its A-squad on its Arkham figures, Mattel has been half-assing the line, at least until now. It will be interesting to see how the Four Horsemen-sculpted Nightwing and Harley Quinn turn out. But if you’re not an articulation junkie or an Arkham diehard like me, these are an easy pass, especially at this price (the cheapest I’ve seen is $25 at TRU, and that may just be a weekend deal).
Robin: [raven 2]
Joker: [raven 1.5]
Related Reviews:
-  DC Direct: Arkham Asylum Batman, Scarecrow, Joker, Bane, Arkham City Sickened Joker
- Mattel: Arkham City Batman & Two-Face, Arkham Asylum Hot Wheels Batmobile
Mortimer McMire
That settles it; I'm getting this set for Robin and putting the Joker in the "donations" bag.
Then you're a dick. Don't those children have it hard enough without getting 4Chan Joker for Christmas?
He looks like an anime character that got caught with a weird sexual fetish.
Mortimer McMire
Believe me, I've seen people donate worse than "4Chan Joker" here. I'd rather give away the AC Joker than an armless GI Joe or a MOtU figure with a half-faded paint job and no weapons (both of which I've seen at donation boxes).
And at least I'm donating SOMETHING.
Weekend content. Awesome! I hate t
….I hate that I hit send too soon.
What I was gonna say:
I hate that so many of my favorite sites shut down during the weekend. I'm a boring homebody, so I wish I had more geek stuff to read on the weekends. This was a pleasant surprise.
David Graham
Gotta say, the text on the back is kinda cool. I'm assuming it's from the package at least.
I assumed Poe had written it.
Poe Ghostal
I did indeed! These little bits of flash fiction are a new feature I'm adding to my reviews, just for the fun of it.
David Graham
Oh wow, way to go, Poe. Ever thought about writing for a living? 8)
John Harmon
He does write for a living.
Sorry guys, I LOVE that Joker! I think its an awesome sculpt. The Robin has grown as me as well.
The upcoming Harley Quinn looks incredible, and Nightwing is very well done, I'm just not a big fan of the head and face Rocksteady went with on him. I liked the sculpt of the AC Legacy Batman, the articulation is just a disappointment. I am worried that the FHM Nightwing and Harley won't go well with these other figures, since they'll be in a league of their own. I know Mattel wouldn't do this, but I would love for them to let the FHM redo AC Batman.
Mortimer McMire
Agreed. Harley and Nightwing are both going to be added to my collection next year.
Quick question to Poe: Did the FHM sculpt the upcoming Arkham City Catwoman figure as well?
No way will I encourage Mattel's mediocrity!! A Meh-class sculpt and weak articulation of well loved characters in today's action figure market is inexcusable!!!
I find the Joker head captivating with it's huge eyes and exaggerated expression. It doesn't really look like the game at all to me though and it's so small that the body no longer looks skinny. You can really see the soft sculpt in action in the close-up. The indentations between the teeth and throughout the hair are so shallow that the paint wash looks like it could barely settle in there. I don't have the DLC, but doesn't Robin fight with his staff quite a bit? I'm expecting Catwoman to have no whip, and that will be a shame considering even her Batman Returns figure had one.
I find it frustrating that there were clearly some great efforts put into these, but they look like haflway through someone hit the "good enough" button. At least some ambitious customizers with the cash to spare can buy everything from Mattel and DCD to make the best versions possible.
I think the Akrham/Pursuit of Cobra comparison is a good one. Both push the designs into the real world just enough to make things really interesting while also fully embracing the fantasy aspects.
hey poe! since you have connections with mattel and the four horsemen, do request a redo on batman, i'm as much as disappointed as you or hella more with that figure. thanks! 🙂
I really like this Robin. I wish that I didn't have to buy this Joker to get him though……
Hey Poe I know this is off topic but: Which figure stand did you use in your pictures?
Poe Ghostal
I believe it's the one that came with the Final Fantasy VIII Forbidden figure.