A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Review > 339/1 (Masters of the Universe Classics)

[toc title=”Table of Contents” class=”toc-left”] When Mattel says Masters of the Universe Classics is all-inclusive, they’re not kidding!

339/1 was a fairly late addition to the original MOTU line in the 1980s. By that time, the line had featured numerous heroic archetypes: barbarians (He-Man), robots (Roboto), ninjas (Ninjor), cowboys (Cowbor–er, Rio Blast), fairies archers (Bow), and wizards (Orko). So why not a wrestler? The WWE was huge in the late 1980s, so a wrestling warrior seems like a no-brainer.

There’s no question 339/1 was an odd choice, though. From the bizarre name (Mattel has never adequately explained that one) to the baldness, 339/1 is one of the strangest characters in a line that features a man made of moss and a giant half-man, half-bumblebee. That’s pretty impressive.


339/1 comes in the standard MOTUC blister with backing card. Not much to see here, but if you’re a MOC type of person, it should fit right in with your collection.

Design & Sculpt

Though he came late in the vintage line, 339/1 was something of a throwback to MOTU’s early days. He’s mostly just a naked man, and as such his new figure uses most of the standard parts of He-Man. The only new tools are his head, boots, and forearms.

The head is really an improvement over the vintage figure, making him look a bit less like an old geezer while retaining his grumpy disposition. This is 339/1 in his glory days, when he was wrestling the Eternian equivalent of Andre the Giant (or as Tytus and Megator would call him, “Andre”). He does have a really high forehead, but maybe that’s just a common quirk of Onani anatomy.

The forearms, with the cuffs, are also new. The boots closely resemble the usual Skeletor greaves, but have lower tops.

Plastic & Paint

Again, there’s not too much complexity in terms of paint for this figure, but the colors match the vintage figure quite well. The blue hair and loincloth, red cuffs and black boots give him a distinctive look on the shelf.

The paint applications are clean and neat, with very little slop, even on the hair. The boots are molded in black.


339/1 has the standard MOTUC articulation: a ball jointed neck, ball and hinge shoulders and hips, swivels at the biceps, wrists, waist, top of the thighs and top of the boots, and hinges at the elbows, wrists and knees, with side-to-side motion at the ankles as well for wide stances.


339/1 comes with two accessories: his Eternian Wrestling Championship belt (which, according to the vintage art, he seems to wear all the time) and the Gem of 187. Both are removable, and the gem features a chain so you can sling it around his neck.

I don’t remember the Gem of 187 ever really being explained in the ’80s, and it’s not even mentioned on the bio…but I guess it’s accurate? As for the belt, it looks an awful lot like a traditional Earth wrestling belt, but it does have an eagle on it, just like the vintage version.

Quality Control

No problems here, thankfully.


339/1 is one of those characters you either love, hate, or love to hate. Many fans dismiss him as a “bald weirdo,” but I find him endearing in his sheer oddness. You just know that vintage head sculpt was based on someone’s grandfather.

The new figure makes him a bit younger and a bit tougher, which fits in with the MOTUC style. 339/1 may not be one of the most popular characters in MOTUC lore, but his presence in the line proves Mattel is truly committed to providing as broad a character selection as possible. And personally, I find the guy endearing. Long live 339/1!

[raven 3.5]


Pic of the Day > jesse hernandez, kuso vinyl mictlan figure (2010) by j_pidgeon


Ask Mattel > Answers for April 1


  1. Awesome 😉

  2. Brilliant!

  3. Cade

    I WANT ONE!!!

  4. André

    Extrange but interesting!

  5. Mountain-man

    Ha, nice!

  6. Barbecue17

    Absolutely awesome figure!

    You know what would have made this figure over the top? If he had Marzo's "amulet gripping" hand as one of his hands. Didn't the original 339/1 have an odd hand or something?

  7. Matt

    He kind of reminds me of Karl Pilkington, actually.

  8. Thomas b

    Lol awesome. I'd actually buy that!

  9. Brothermidnight

    That is truly awesome! Now lets get some of the Remco Warrior Beasts made in motuc style

  10. Love it: he kinda reminds me of Kurtwood Smith!

  11. Poe

    @ googum: You're right–he totally looks like Smith in that X-Files episode where he turned into a gargoyle or whatever.

  12. Ben

    This is the greatest thing that I've seen all day…all year…all life!

  13. Yet another POINTLESS entry from MATTY. While there are A-List characters out there like NINJOR and ROTON who hardcore fans DEMAND NOW!!!

    For THIRTY BUCKS Matty could have at LEAST thrown in another accessory or two. How about a FOLDING CHAIR or a TRASHCAN?

    The bottom line is compadres, this figure is a piece of junk and I’m QUITTEN TEH LEIN!

  14. dwaltrip

    Wow, that turned out very nice. Very funny. I love the front packaging. Just seeing 339/1 as his name on it made me laugh.

  15. Barbecue17

    Was 339/1's head originally a Vikor head?

    The sculpting is incredible and looks very, very professional. Did you do this all yourself Poe?

    I do have to say that I wasn't fooled by this prank: Blue hair is most definitely an example of Hyper Anime Detail. 😉

  16. clark

    I think this is totally rad, dude. However, I wish his nose were bigger and more turned down, to better reflect the classic look of the figure.

  17. matt

    Hey dummies…it's April Fool's day

  18. JohnnyBoyCivello

    So dope. Poe, was this made by MasterEnglish?

  19. Diego Zubrycky

    Digital River won't let us to have one of these, unfortunatelly.

  20. Poe

    I’ll give the scoop behind this figure this weekend.

  21. Heli

    Too bad he can’t include a hyperdetailed 200X head.

  22. Nicely done, sir. As someone who actually owned this vintage figure as well, I love to see the upgrade.

    The lack of masturbation jokes is unsettling, though.

  23. PrfktTear wrote:

    Yet another POINTLESS entry from MATTY. While there are A-List characters out there like NINJOR and ROTON who hardcore fans DEMAND NOW!!!

    For THIRTY BUCKS Matty could have at LEAST thrown in another accessory or two. How about a FOLDING CHAIR or a TRASHCAN?

    The bottom line is compadres, this figure is a piece of junk and I’m QUITTEN TEH LEIN!


  24. Antonio

    I can bet Matty will release this character just like they did with Mo-Lar… It would be funny but I ratter spend 20 bucks in something else…

  25. fishandcross

    Dang it! Another Matty figure that sold out in 0.000000000052 seconds! Yes, it’s April 1st folks.

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