(You can peruse my Thundercats gallery here.)
On Sunday, I had the pleasure of being given a tour of Bandai’s showroom, which included their much-anticipated Thundercats product line. My tour was conducted by Katie O’Neill of Weber Shandwick, although Bandai marketing director Brehan Maul was the one who personally guided me through their Thundercats world.
Bandai has not one, not two, but three lines planned for Thundercats this fall: a 4″ line featuring vehicles and playsets, based on the upcoming new cartoon; a super-articulated 6″ line also based on the new cartoon; and an 8″ super-articulated line based on the original 1980s cartoon.
As you’d expect, the 4″ line features a bit less detail and articulation, but makes up for it with vehicles and playsets. All the 4″ figures (SRP $7.99 each) include magnets that can set off special electronic features like lights and sounds; for example, when Lion-O is stood on his base and a button is pressed, he raises his sword and yells the familiar “Thundercats – ho!” line. The figure can also interact with certain vehicles, setting off specific sounds and lights when placed inside. Articulation on the 4″ figures is a bit of a mixed bag; Cheetara has mostly cut joints to preserve her sculpt, while other figures like Lion-O appear to have ball jointed hips.
The 4″ line will also feature the huge ThunderTank (with exclusive Snarf figure) and the even huger ThunderLynx playset, which features a vehicle whose design hearkens back to the original cartoon’s Cat’s Lair.
Next up is the 6″ line, again based on the new cartoon. These are well-detailed and super-articulated. The first wave features Lion-O, Panthro, and Mumm-Ra. The figures are a bit more smooth and toyish than Marvel Legends or DC Universe Classics, which seems to be a common feature of Bandai figures (except for their vinyl stuff). But I think these figures look great. Whether or not you like the new designs, let’s face it–this is what most of us wish 200X He-Man had been. It’s got both the sculpting and the articulation. I have a hunch a good number of adult collectors will be picking these up in addition to…
…the 8″ collector’s line. I never even watched Thundercats as a kid and I want these things. While they do have that aforementioned glossiness of most Bandai America toys, they still looked fantastic, and I will be getting them.
Finally, there was this: the Sword of Omens. It opens up, it extends, and yes, it even has sounds such as “Give me sight beyond sight.” It’s awesome. There are also a couple more child-oriented roleplay items there as well.
I was given a brief glimpse of the new cartoon, though the sizzle reel was mostly devoted to the iconic weapons and vehicles that the show would feature (which makes sense for a toy presentation). It looks like it has potential, though.
Overall I was very impressed with Bandai’s plans for Thundercats. They’re basically giving us the ‘Cats equivalent of a 200X He-Man line, a MOTU Classics line, and a bonus 4″ line–all at the same time! There’s something for everyone.
The only question is how successful the cartoon show turns out to be. Like 200X MOTU, it’s on the Cartoon Network, but when you consider the articulation on the 6″ line and the retail availability of the 8″ line, I’d say Bandai has been watching Mattel’s handling of MOTU very closely, and has learned from their growing pains.
On a side note, Bandai was also, by far, the most courteous, professional, and engaged of all the presentations I saw at Toy Fair. Though I was just a journalist from a random collectors’ website, they treated me seriously, gave me the full tour, and even took notes when I mentioned my readers would be most interested in Thundercats. I can’t predict how successful the new cartoon will be, and that will probably determine the how well the toyline does; but if the care Bandai has put into the line is any indication, the cartoon might well be great, and a new generation of kids may be shouting “Thundercats — ho!”
I realize that last paragraph may seem like serious brown-nosing David Manning-style theatrics, but I mean it–Bandai’s Thundercats stuff looks great, and I hope it’s successful, because it might convince a certain El Segundo-based toy company that they’re squandering a gold mine.
Great coverage. Bandai seems to be a company that manages to get their product into stores without the problems of companies like Hasbro and Mattel, so I really do hope that Thundercats is a huge success and that they keep everyone happy.
So is the classics 8 inch in scale with MOTUC? Please say yes.
@Paul: Um…I have to say they're going to look a little tall next to MOTUC. Which is definitely disappointing, and a missed opportunity for Bandai.
But it's hard to say until we have one in our hands.
What I like about Bandai is that they seem to be respecting the line and the customers here, unlike some other companies that will go unnamed.
Like you said, there's something there for everyone, which is cool, and like you're i'm definitely going to be picking up those Deluxe toys when they come out.
When do the 8 inch figures come out?
@De-Man: I think all of it is due to drop in August/September, around the time the new cartoon premieres.
Thundercat figures always tower over Motu…8 inch line,I utterly want,the kids can keep the new guys.
Nice, I get good vibes about these people from this article.
As far as scale, I'm actually okay with Lion-O being a little taller than He-Man, but it would have been nice for them to be shoulder to shoulder. I hope the toys aren't too glossy, it's be a shame to have a great sculpt ruined by that.
I'm curious if Snarf will be available without having to purchase the vehicle, I hope so! The playset looks like a lot of fun, kinda reminds me of Eternia playset. You don't see too many being made these days, so its nice throwback.
I know some people dislike the updated look, but I dig it. Bring on Thundercats 200x!
The modern 6" figures remind me a lot of the Gentle Giant Animated Hellboy figs…which were awesome.
I'm very excited about all of these toys. I'm leaning towards getting all 3 lines.
Dead Man Walking
I'm sorry, but I have to take issue with the comparison of the 6 inch TC line to the 200X MOTU line. Yes, obviously there is a paralleled in the fact that this a new iteration of the property, with modernized outfits. And I'll grant you that most fans wished that 200X MOTU figures had the level of articulation that these figures have.
However, the 6-inch TC line is nowhere nearly as well sculpted as the 200X figures. Those figures were the 4H at the top of their game. These figures are about on par with the average output of Mattel's in-house sculptors. You can easily see how unimpressive these sculpts are by looking at their feet. These figures might be comparable to what figures sculpted to look like the MYP MOTU might have looked like. However, 4H always made the 200X figure much more detailed, precise, and beautiful than the cartoon. In fact, most of the time it was the cartoon trying to mimic the figures, and not the other way around.
Sorry if I seem like I'm taking umbrage, but I can easily see people taking the shorthand that these figures are equal to, or better than the 200X MOTU line. The qualification needs to be made that while they have better articulation, they are inferior in sculpt.
Like I needed another line to collect right now. But man these are just to fun to pass up. The Classics are a must have. A good buddy of mine is voicing Tygra in the new cartoon so I was at least on the hook for that figure. But after seeing how cool all the new stuff is I just might have to pick up more.
Great write up btw Poe. I've always enjoyed how the Bandai people conduct themselves at trade shows.
Let's ignore any and all comparisons to other toylines. Let's ignore comparing Bandai to any other company. If I look at these on their own, to me, these toys look FUN. I don't have kids yet, but whenever I stroll through the toy aisle, I don't often see lines that would have grabbed my attention as a child. These figures are colorful and they all look DIFFERENT. You can tell who the good guys and bad guys are. That's what drove us wild as kids in the 1980s. Sure, as collectors, we're looking at them a bit differently, but as toys, I think kids are going to love them. But for us collectors, we also have something that'll look nice on the shelf.
Excellent coverage Poe, you have done a great job. This is what I have been really waiting for on your site for the last couple days.
I love it all, I will be getting all three lines and getting some doubles.
As far as the glossiness on the figures go I am okay with it as the older LJN toys were quite glossy, and I thin it gives it a real toy feel.
I so love the Classics but I am really impressed with all the new designs. Lots of details and nice featues on the Classics, Tygra's whip, according to one of the videos I saw, is manipulatable so it can posed, how cool is that.
Bandai have done an amazingly good job.
@Dead Man Walking: But you're coming from the perspective that greater detail is always equivalent to a "better" sculpt. Not everyone thinks that. Entire art movements have been devoted to exactly the opposite idea.
Just this past weekend, one of the Four Horsemen told me Classics was the line they wanted to make in 1999; Mattel dictated the greater detail of 200X.
I just don't subscribe to the notion that greater detail and, in the case of 200X, exaggerated proportions are automatically superior to a more streamlined or cartoonish aesthetic.
I'm bothered by the glossiness of the cartoon-based 6" line, and Lion-O's head is unimpressive. But I think Panthro and especially Mumm-Ra look great, and if 200X MOTU had looked like this line and had this level of articulation, I could have been just as happy with it.
So I say, let the 200X comparisons begin.
Nice post Poe!
Due to some mix ups, i had to go back and reshoot the ThunderCats on a second day. Katie and Brehan were very accommodating. Bandai is professional through and through.
Poe, is there any chance you could start doing a Bandai Q&A?
that second to the last paragraph made me happy… it's always nice to hear when a company makes a serious effort to have fun w/ their toys. and starting by treating their customers respectfully and thoughtfully is a great way to do things.
The 8 inch line is great and I like the gloss,they are going for a cartoon accurate look not gritty realism thus the not so 4h style of either angular hyperdetail style they use it's like being Cell-shaded in 3d to simulate a cartoon.
I liked the show as a kid, but never owned any of the toys. The new stuff holds no interest to me, but the 8" line could be good, but due to probably price and other commitments I may skip this.
Oh man… well I guess I'll have to see the classics standing shoulder to shoulder to decide if I want more than just Lion-o…
@Nicholai: The 8 inch classics have an srp of 16.99. Pretty reasonable, I think.
Very promising… fingers crossed!
Not bad. I'll wait and see how they all look and if you can actually find them in stores (I'm so tired of buying DCUC online).
I'm pretty impressed. I was expecting and dreading something closer to Bandai USA's Dragonball Evolutions stuff and other similar lines.
The glossiness of the classic guys is a bit much, but the construction is very nice. I'm still impressed by the thought put into the design of the thigh swivel. Getting a leg with 3 axis of motion seems to be the toughest thing to pull off without looking awkward. I know it's a simple thing, but it shows effort. The whole line does too. I'm not sure about all the electronic interactivity of the 4" stuff. That stuff never seems to quite catch on and is often phased out or loses its novelty. It's still fun though.
I love seeing so many faithful recreations of the Sword of Omens.
The collectors line is the one am most interested in but i do want to see the other toys in stores to make my call if i want any of those too.
@Poe: MOTUC is the line I wanted Mattel to make back then instead of the 200x line.
It may be sacrilege, but our household is more of a Thundercats household than He-Man. We have watched all the old shows together (love them, no matter how corny they may be).
When I showed the classic Bandai figures to the little one, the kid's eyes lit up. We are stoked about the 8" line.
The big question for us remains, how well can Bandai create the female characters? Otherwise, these look like great toys that will provide hours of enjoyment and bonding. We cannot wait till fall.
We have no interest in the new stuff. We'll see after the show premiers.
My disclaimer would be that I love MOTU and Thundercats about the same, but for my child it's no contest…Thundercats Ho!
If it comes down to a choice, I'll buy Thundercats over Masters because my kid's playtime/memory-making comes before Dad's collecting. It won't make me too sad to leave that fiberglass mascott/spokesguru behind. 🙂
The Horsemen, I would miss dearly.
We're glad Lion-O will be taller than He-Man.
@De-Man: He must not be a MOTUC collector! $16.99 is a steal! 😉
I don't know that I'll be collecting the entire 8" line, but I am definitely in for Lion-O, and maybe Mumm-Ra, Panthro, and maybe Sclythe if they make them.
Guess they're not making any more 8" characters other than the the big 3. Whelp, there goes all my interest…Like DCUC has shafted the Golden and Silver Age fans.
Did you ask any of the questions posted in the other thread?
@Scott: No. To be honest, I forgot the list in my bag. Yes, I suck.
I hope Bandai would be interested in starting a customer Q&A like Hasbro, Diamond and Mattel do.
Why are the crotch pieces so long on the 8 inch collector figures? It looks really bad…
Better poseability than just being able to squat.
I'm torn between the 6" figures, since that is my preferred scale and there seems to be a better chance that all of the main characters will be made and the 8" figures, which is an odd scale for my collection and in which there doesn't appear to be any guarantee that all the main characters will be made, although I prefer the "classic" designs.
I guess I'll just have to wait for the reviews and to see what scale (if any) makes it to a local (Aussie) release since I'm not a big enough fan of Thundercats to pay Evil-Bay prices (and shipping).
That 6" Mumm-ra is going to be a villain to face off with my Animated Hellboy and Abe Sapien. We'll see what happens after that, but Panthro is tempting too.