One of my favorite stores in the Boston area is Comicazi in Somerville. The back room of the store is filled wall-to-wall with MOC vintage toys, from Star Wars to Star Trek to Simpsons to racks and racks of old Marvel and DC stuff, plus plenty of old Kenner figures. I went in yesterday to pick up a MOC Kenner Aliens Bishop and the Kenner Alien/Predator set (mission accomplished, by the way, but more on that later). On a side note, Comicazi has a blog, the ToyNerd.
In addition to the MOC toys, Comicazi has bins full of loose figures, and even a big box full of baggies of random accessories. I nabbed a few of those and picked out four pretty awesome loose figures. Whom did I get?
First up was this Batman figure, who I believe is Combat Belt Batman by Kenner, from the first wave of Batman: The Animated Series figures. He was in great shape for having bounced around inside a plastic bin full of other figures, and he even had his cape. I bought Detective Batman at Comicazi a few weeks ago, but I actually think this figure is better. The pose is less stiff and more dynamic, and he looks more accurate to the show.
Excellent find, but definitely not the most amazing. Read on…
Next up was this 3 ¾” Frankenstein’s Monster figure. Made by Remco in 1979 as part of their Universal Monsters Mini Monsters line. He’s in decent shape, though that spot of missing paint on the nose is annoying.
Now this one was a real surprise: meet Pornstache, 339/1‘s long-lost brother. Comicazi had some of Remco’s legit wrestling figures–which 339/1 and this guy are knock-offs of–but this was the only one I wanted. Damn, look at that head. The greasy blond hair, the jutting eyebrows, the coke-addict eyes, the pencil-thin ‘stache…he’s like a defective clone of Hulk Hogan that was beaten with the ugly stick every day of his life.
You wouldn’t believe how much I wish I knew which serial number this guy was on the back of the packaging, so that he could have his proper name. I thought about just making up a random one, like 339/5, but that seems like cheating. Pornstache is accurate but a little too blue, if you know what I mean. So: I’m taking suggestions for this guy’s new name.
But now, let’s get to the really amazing discovery…
This is Skullface (also known as Skullman) of Remco’s Warrior Beasts line, which was a spin-off of their Warlord line, a famous 1980s knock-off of Masters of the Universe. This figure tends to go for big bucks online, especially if he still has his cape. Moreover, most Skullmans (Skullmen?) have a different head, with no hood–apparently this hooded version is pretty rare. I did some checking and found some auctions for this guy, loose, that went into the triple digits. I got him for $5.
Aside from some paint rubs on his hands and what looks like some very small melt/burn spots on his chest and back (which may have been created when he was made, for all I know), he’s in excellent condition, as is, shockingly, his cape. This is probably the best flea market-style find I’ve ever made. Right now I’m thinking I’ll hang on to him, though it’s tempting to see what I can get for him on eBay.
Comicazi had a few other Remco figures, from Warlord and Warrior Beasts and maybe Conan, but all of them were in far rougher shape than Skullface here. But if anyone wants them, just head on over to Comicazi.
(And for more Skullman fun, check out this post by artist J. Ho.)
Crap,I wanted a skullface,I wonder who came out first him or Marvel's Taskmaster?Great Finds,Poe,Now lemme think of the new wrestler's name…Maybe he's 339/1's Bizzaro version L6EE?
Justin Gammon
Holy crap. Great finds. Skullman variant for $5. Unreal.
I also have a place in my heart for the bootleggy wrestlers. They're so awful.
According to this site, Taskmaster came out in 1980. I suppose a hood, cape, tights, and skull face are all standard comics character design building blocks — but there is quite a resemblance there.
it's hard to believe that some one bootlegged remco figs… still, these look like a generally good catch.
Nice finds, I used to habe that Batman 🙂
I live 45 minutes from this place, and have never heard of it!
Thanks for the heads up, Poe!
Dead Man Walking
That figure was actually intended to be Taskmaster. I can prove it, but I need to dig up a picture.
I love that place, I always make sure to browse through when I'm in Davis Square and they're open.
Hoooooleeeeeee crap. I've watched the prices on those Skullmen figures and could never figure it out. He does look a bit more awesome than his more common counterpart. At five bucks, that was a steal. Yeesh!
@Dead Man Walking: Ha! You're right:
But wait…that doesn't make any sense. Taskmaster is a Marvel character, not a DC character…what the hell is up with that?
EDIT: Never mind–that very page answers my question.
I guess they were planning to work Taskmaster in too, among the Beast Warriors.
Dead Man Walking
I sincerely wish someone would do an update of whatever line 339/1 came from, and I would actually want them to be MOTUC-styled. That would just be randomly awesome.
Why can't i have a cool place like this in my area? Just some awesome finds congrats. : )
COOL! I had the Batman figure and Frankensteins monster( along with Wolfman, The Mummy and Creature from the Black Lagoon). Those knock-off Remco figures and Warrior Beasts are an awesome piece of 80's nostalgia! I remember having the Warlord line of figures but never got the Warrior Beasts. All of these finds are truly awesome!!
Reverend Ender
Aw, man! I wish you had mentioned this place when I still lived in Massachusetts! That Batman is awesome!
I had the other vwersion of Skullman, I always took his head off so I could have a skull laying around.
I'm still trying to come up with a better name than Pornstache, and no dice yet. Neat finds, too. Man, I need to take a trip to Seattle, I'm not seeing enough loose figures locally lately. And I wish those Ka-Zar and American Eagle figues had worked out, too.
Hah,I meant L/6EE,leetspeak reverse of 339/1 and you can read it as "El Sex-ee".
Unbelievable–Pornstache is on eBay!
Check out the bottom left corner…does that say 83/3? B33?
Terribe Tony
For those wondering on the Porn 'Stache wrestler and 339/1 wrestler, here is a picture of my own collection complete with ID numbers…
Poe Ghostal
Hey–that's pretty neat!