(stands not included)
In addition to the Eternian Guards and Superman, Mattel sent along samples of two of their newest 2-packs: Hawkgirl and Gentleman Ghost, and Superman & Parasite. Be sure to read to the end of the review for a contest!
I already own all of these figures, and Mattel didn’t make any major changes to them, so if you want to full reviews, let me direct you to these links:
- Superman (Cosmic Clash 2-pack, but not sure how similar it actually is to this 2-pack one–see below)
- Parasite (OAFE review by yo go re)
- Hawkgirl
- Gentleman Ghost
Rather than full reviews, I’m just going to talk about the packs a bit.
The packaging is similar to what we’ve seen on these packs for a while, but I like them. The action poses, while often dangerous for warping, do look pretty good on these particular sets.
For the most part, the figures are identical to their original versions.
Superman: At first, I thought this figure was more or less identical to the same Superman figures we’ve been seeing since the long-haired version, and is theoretically the same as the one from the He-Man vs. Superman 2-pack, which is the one I used for the comparison photos.
However, as you can see, the “S” symbol on the chest is a bit smaller on the Parasite Supes. And on closer inspection, I thought perhaps that the Parasite Supes had the more narrow Nightwing-style torso, but after two or three minutes of staring I couldn’t tell anymore. What do you think? Parasite Supes is on the left in the comparison pics.
In addition, Parasite Supes’s cape is glued on much better and while his eyes have more detail in their paint work, he’s also a tad cross-eyed. Finally, the belts are clearly different.
So what’s going on here? I’m not sure. But it does seem like this is a slightly different Superman figure.
Parasite: This figure is identical to the original DC Super Heroes version, with the exception of a slightly messier wash on the white portions. (The 2-Pack Parasite is on the right in the comparison pics–sorry for mixing that up relative to the Supes pics.)
Hawkgirl and Gentleman Ghost: I should point out that Hawkgirl also comes with her spear, but I didn’t notice it taped to the package until after I took the pics.
Both of these figures are, again, more or less identical to their previous versions, at least as far as I can tell (my own figures are in storage and not available for comparison pics). I noticed that Gentleman Ghost seemed a bit looser in the joints, and his gun was made from a lighter plastic that made it feel a bit like soap, but nothing too problematic.
Of course, the main reason most collectors wanted Gentleman Ghost from wave 8 is because he comes with Giganta’s head, so I’m not sure how in-demand this two-pack really is. Thoughts?
These sets sell for $32 apiece at Toys R Us, which is pretty steep these days. That said, I think it’s good that Mattel uses these two-packs to get some of the older DCSH and harder-to-find figures into collector’s hands. Now all we need is a reissue of the DCSH black-and-gray Batman…
Oh yeah–I mentioned a contest. A pal has already laid claim to the Gentleman Ghost and I like the Superman, but I’m going to raffle off the Hawkgirl and Parasite. To win, all you need to do is post a comment below. I’ll take the names of all the commenters, toss ’em into a randomizer and pick a winner. I use the email address you use for the comments to contact you, so be sure to use one you actually check (and that actually exists).
International fans are welcome to enter–only family, friends and Power Pals are excluded. We’ll end the contest, let’s say this Friday at midnight.
Keep scrolling for more pics!
Decent reviews. You were being completely honest as there was nothing really new to say that wasn't already said. Love your reviews anyway. See ya around the .Org.
Nice review.
I still regret not picking up Hawkgirl the one time I saw her. I hope that 2-pack shows up around here soon.
Thanks for sharing. I like that the newer Supes has a new belt and seemingly new chest, and a better glued on cape. Just a few more steps, and they will have finally nailed down the figure.
Hooray, perhaps I'll finally get to see GG in person! A Hawkgirl without jacked up face paint would be lovely, too.
Reverend Ender
Now that I keep looking at supes, I think the chest IS different, but I also think it's 2 DIFFERENT HEAD SCULPTS!! Does anyone else see this? Look at the noses, new supes nose is smaller! Am I going crazy?
Hmmph…i was hoping to pick up that Superman set since i never did get a Parasite…but that Superman looks so cruddy…the blue is very nice, but the head looks 2 times smaller, and the eyes don't scream Superman to me…the symbol, well, we all know what's wrong there.
I'm still so blessed that i found Gentleman Ghost at my LCS, and then HESITATED buying him for at least 3 weeks. After seeing him in Brave and the the Bold, i knew i had to have him and he was still there. Months later, he's apparently rare; i thought he'd be a pegwarmer for sure. Hawkgirl i found months later at Target, the only Wave 8 figure there. THAT was strange.
Parasite and Hawkgirl are fodder-tastic!
The tooling for that Supes has got to be wearing out by now. Mattel luvs to assume not enough people have the same Superman. There are so many other versions of Superman not done. If they cant' cost-out something different then why bother?
While I have all of these as well, my nephew would probably dig'em. He's really gotten into DCUC but has a hell of a time finding the ones he wants — go figure.
My Carter Hall figure has been without Shiera for too long now. Be nice to reunite them :D!!
How do you get on Mattel's "sample" mailing list?
Awesome! Entered.
I kept my GG MOC after hearing how rare he was to find in stores.
Dr. Whom
I like Gentleman Ghost as a character, but the real reason for wanting him originally was in order to build Giganta. I still regret not pre-ordering that wave when I had the chance. It was impossible to find in stores.
Katar Hol
It's me or the real difference between the two Superman is in the head? I mean the power struggle version looks like having a new sculpt not just a different paintjob.
Here's hoping for Leech! Looks like an awesome figure.
Thomas B
I wish everyone could have found a GG at retail. I was one of the lucky ones to pre-order it AND actually see it ONCE at retail.
you have to do things….dirty things…things involving the butt lol
As an international fan I wish I could simply get these 2packs from a local store, although they are simple re-issues. Thus, I hope Mattel will use their Matty Collector often, despite the page having serious problems. One way of using Matty Collector could be to reissue older C&C figures (if they don't want to do it in retail). I bet those would sell out quickly. Thanks for the contest Poe, I don't have either of the figures and would thus love any.
Poe if i win this hawkgirl, it will give me an excuse to actually buy that MOTU 2 pack w/ stratos, Can' have hawk girl w/o hawkman.
I never saw Gentleman Ghost or Hawkwoman in stores so I would pick that up if I saw it. I think the Parasite looks good with the dirtier wash. Just wish they were a bit cheaper. I might have to make a Giganta for the collection though.
d. verburg
the only superman i ever find myself wanting is the long-haired recovery suit one for some reason.
these two packs are all pretty cool, i just wish they were less expensive… if they were, i would've snagged aquaman vs. black manta a long time ago.
I'm not even sure who Parasite is,but I'd like the Hawkgirl.
Been on the look out for the Supes/Parasite pack since I am still in need of a Parasite.
Great write up.
There's something about the DCUC Superman I've always found a bit off, but I can never put my finger on it. My DCSH Superman serves my collection fine (despite the loose left hip joint).
Fallen Eldor
I think I'm going to start blogging in the hopes that Mattel will send me free toys…Why should you and Dan have all the fun?
I want to 3nd AJ's & THINK-OR's statement.
A pink Giganta repaint on Matty.com Mattel would be guaranteed
seller. A lot of collectors would buy 2 just to complete their
existing Giganta C&C. I think given the cost of new Deco, packaging,
and that they are double the size/plastic of most figure that $25-$30 would be a reasonable price point.
If Mattel gave us a DCSH re-release of Two Face (Black & White deco) & Batgirl III (Cassandra Cain)
It would make paying $32.99 price point look cheep by what they
sell for on Ebay!
At least Hasbro is giving us something new for the extra cost.
Mattel is just slapping new paint on MOTUC and TAKES AWAY weapons &heads.
At this point I'm waiting for a sale or my birthday for Aquaman & Mer-Man set. As it is I have a classic head from the blue repaint on the "long hair" body. Not the same as having a classic Aquaman…That combined with my love of a semi accurate mini comic Mer-Man makes this the only DC vs MOTU 2-pack i plan to buy.
If you buy the Hawkman & Stratos and don't want the Stratos I'll give you $15 for him.
Parasite looks nice, Surprised Hawkgirl has all her weapons.
We can always use more Gentleman Ghost.
Am i the only one who is sad to not have the mini Atom included? The Giganta parts are a more obvious missing component, but the Atom needs some love too.
Captain Zero
oh, sure,…. tooo late.!!
Darn it!!