1.) You recently announced that the Winston w/ Slime Blower was delayed. Is there any chance the delay is because you’re adding the “football pads” part of his outfit?
He is delayed to make him more accurate to the film. He will have the full vest and pads when released.
2.) RM asks: He-Ro (the 2009 SDCC Exclusive figure) is listed on the Matty site as Out of Stock, while Orko (the 2010 SDCC Exclusive) is listed as Gone For Good. In the past it has been said that all figures (except the original King Greyskull) weren’t off the table for potential re-release at some point, but the “Gone For Good†listing for Orko seems to suggest otherwise. Could you please clarify?
Orko may be back one day. We may need to update that label. Thanks for pointing this out.
3.) Dayraven asks: What accommodations are being made for the Cyber Monday sale as it pertains to site traffic… for example, a discount is being offered for the first hour of sales, but isn’t that penalizing folks who, due to nothing more than location, aren’t on 50Mbps Internet services? Also, with the last few months as testimony, there have been increasing delays in gaining access to complete an order, people have been kicked out of fully loaded order screen to the WSOD, etc… all of which could cost a customer, who’s on even twenty minutes early, to be unable to complete an order in the allotted “discount†timeframe.
We are making some major changes to the Mattycollector.com store that should make it a lot easier to purchase. This should be ready to launch by Nov 15th. Details to be announced soon. Also, the sale will go all day on Cyber Monday, not just the first hour.
4.) Fengschwing asks: As it seems that two packs of smaller characters are going to be arriving in the Green Lantern Wave, has Mattel given thought to a wave which foregoes a C’n’C part in lieu of a smaller figure? For example, Batman with Batmite, Green Lantern with a Guardian, Superman with Mister Mxyzptlk or Krypto and so on?
This is something we look into and perhaps one day you will see more small figures in lieu of C&C parts, but nothing to announce now.
5.) DTW asks: Any chance of Green Lantern Classics Wave 1 Manhunter having a “classic colors†variant (all-blue hands/gauntlets, blue “shorts,†no blue striping on chest, etc.)? The Infinite Heroes version used the classic color scheme, so it would be nice to see it in the 6-inch line as well.
While this is a good idea for a repaint down the line, no plans for it in GL Classics Wave 1. 
Glad to hear something about Winston. He's my favorite character so I am glad they are going to make him more accurate.
Thanks for asking my question Poe, cheers!
Matthew K
Very happy about the additional Winston parts, though I'd like them to make the tank on the slime blower a little larger, too.
well, i stand corrected… but unless a retraction or alteration to their plan has been printed and i've missed it, their press release read:
so, it's three hours… yes, that seems like my concern over order placement might not prove a concern after all… but then again, they've NEVER offered that much product on a single day. and we've heard the "we've made changes" rigamarol before.
as always though poe, i appreciate you allowing the poesters a voice to matty!
Monkey boy
Speaking of ghostbusters, check your TRUs guys. At my local store the set was marked down to $50. Which, for ; figures and a slimer, is a far easier pill to swallow than the original $60 price. Don't know if it'll come down anymore, but they had plenty in stock.
Mysterious Stranger
@dayraven: Dude, you need to learn how to tell time. 11:59 P.M. is one minute before midnight. So the sale goes 15 hours, from the time the sale starts at 9 in the morning until midnight that night, pacific time.
Paddy Fitz
@dayraven: It's actually 14 hours and 59 minutes, but even that's a moot point since most people will be logging in right as the sale starts (though, with the exception of Battle Cat and Lobo, all the product they're putting up was very slow-selling stuff the first time around. Are people really going to fall for the old artificial demand trick Mattel's pulling?)
Awesome news about winston. Might get two to head swap with the multipack head.
The Flash III
I also find it interesting that they're sure the changes will be made and bug-free for possibly thier busiest day ever–sounds like a Mattastrophe waiting to happen!
@Mysterious Stranger: evidently i read that too fast, for some reason i swear, even in preparing this response, that read AM for both times… i clearly skipped over a load of that text… thanks for pointing that out.
that said, ok, the bitch about the discount was unfounded (unless you don't want 100 bucks worth of crap)… but the bitch about the site traffic remains in play.
I do hope that they can move from C&C figures in DCUC to some sort of small figure/accessory. I know they may balk at such a plan due to the fact that there'd be great fear that the lesser known characters in a wave would not sell well enough without a C&C piece (ask all the Cyclotrons hanging out at my local Walmart).
Still, there are a number of great small figures they could do. Even if they had to re-release a bunch of A-listers I'd be okay with that as long as the small characters or accessories were cool.
My other huge want in DCUC would be some of the non-hero/villain characters such as Lois, Jimmy, Alfred and even some of the alter egos.
Good questions with pretty solid answers, nice job everyone!
I think it would be a fun change to collect a wave or 2 of DCUC with small pack-in characters. They haven't explored that much, besides the blue monkey I will not name. Wonderdog, anyone? Anyone? Nope? Krypto and Ace then? I'd love every cheesy bit of it.
Supergirl with Streaky? Bepo the Superchimp? That Green Lantern racoon guy? An Emperor penguin with the Penguin?
Actually, those are all pretty poor examples! But I agree with Nicholai, we need some civillians, they'd make great 5 packs. Think about a Superman pack, maybe with a battle damaged supes, or that lighter blue that everyone seems to be keen on, packed with Perry White, Clark Kent, Lois and Jimmy? Or how about yet another Batman variant (there has to be one they haven't done yet…) with Alfred, Commish Gordon, Barbara Gordon or Bruce Wayne or something?
Beppo is never a poor example! I'd bet there are enough small characters that aren't silly pets to fill a wave. I'd definitely like to see it happen if they ever stop doing CnC, or if they start getting dumb.
Civilian characters seem like retail poison, but I'd be interested in a few. I'd hope for a new body, I'm not fond of the awkward pigeon toed deal on Clark and Riddler. Maybe they could tweak it with some Question parts.
'Major changes' might be coming to the site. Yeah instead of a White Screen of Death, they're changing it to Yellow. Kidding..I have faith in Fangirl 2.0! I think?
@Monkey boy:
It's a sale, not a markdown. The price will go back up.
monkey boy
@Scott: true enough. so i'm glad i jumped. definitely feels better at $50.
Dead Man Walking
@Nicholai: Why do the smaller characters as pack-ins? Why not continue to make them multi-packs on a single card? I'd rather pay $12-$18 to get one set of 3 smaller characters, then have to pay 3 times that much to get them, and end up with ANOTHER Batman, Superman, and GL that I don't want.
The Flash III
@Dead Man Walking:
Good point. And I can't believe nobody mentioned Detective Chimp! He trumps all other pack-in-sized figures for me.