A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Ask Mattel > Mid-October Answers

1.) FakeEyes 22 asks: Any idea if/when we’ll see a new DCUC All-Star Assortment and are there plans to include Hawkgirl? She’s ideal as the first release was a tough find and she was heavily featured in the JLA/JLU series.

All-Star figures will continue to ship all year, with at least one All-Star in each case pack. No plans right now for Hawkgirl as a single, but she will be back in a Wal-Mart two-pack later this year!

2.) barbecue17 asks: So next year, subscribers are looking at having a monthly figure, quarterly bonus figures, and quarterly large figures/2 packs, plus non-subscription weapon packs, reissues, rumored diorama pieces/vehicles, and now the royal guards which have been pushed into 2011. That isn’t even factoring in other Mattycollector lines. Is Mattel making any effort at all to attempt to balance out release dates so that too much product doesn’t hit in a given month? Obviously, a month with a regular figure, quarterly bonus figure, and a large figure would definitely not be a good month for customer’s wallets to also release the royal guards or a vehicle. My question is, is there a limit of Masters product that will be released in a monthly period?

Yes, we are doing our best to spread out releases so that there are not too many releases on one day or month, but not everything always goes as planned. There are countless logistical issues that change release dates that we cannot control and often figures or packs are pushed out or moved to dates beyond our original intent (such as the case with the Palace Guards).

3.) Novelty asks: Have the Toy Story and Avatar toylines been discontinued?

Not at all!

4.) Snarf! Snarf! asks: Is there a chance that we can get Power Swords (the whole sword and the sword halves) AND The Sword of Protection closer to their vintage toy designs? The Vintage Power swords had an additional piece of plastic similar to the one in Tri-Klops’ sword that allowed figures with open hands to hold it. The Vintage Sword of Protection looked nothing like its MOTUC counterpart.

It is always possible and this would be a fun way to refresh He-Man or She-Ra in the future. Nothing is locked in right now.

5.) Captain Zero asks: What are the chances of Mattel reconsidering releasing the Superman/Bizarro, Golden Age Hawkman/Hawkgirl 2-packs? A light blue Superman, a discolored Bizarro, a yellow-hooded Hawkman, and a Hawkgirl with better head articulation are really wanted.

It is not an issue of reconsidering on Mattel’s part. Some of the items you mentioned did not go forward because of a lack of retailer interest, not a lack of Mattel wanting to make them! We can only produce items when we have a retailer willing to order them.


Ghostbusters II 4-Pack found at TRU


Contest > Matty’s Masquerade


  1. monkey boy

    it strikes me as difficult to believe that any retailer would give a crap whether a reissued superman was light blue or the same ol' dark blue as always. if anything you'd think a retailer would want different versions, so they'd be in favor of a lighter blue.

  2. Pretty sure Avatar is a dead line. I dunno what he's saying here. Those figures sold terrible.

  3. dayraven

    @Newt: what on earth do you mean? out of 5 walmarts in my area, only all of them are glutted w/ avatar toys, that means they must have over-ordered. (get it?)

  4. The Flash III

    A retailer won't order Superman/Bizarro, Golden Age Hawkman/Hawkgirl 2-packs, A light blue Superman, a discolored Bizarro, a yellow-hooded Hawkman, but they would order a wave including Kamandi, Cyclotron, or Golden Pharoah. I call B.S. on that one.

  5. Snarf! Snarf!

    @The Flash III: Mattel BSing!? What's next that they overcharge their customers for shoddily made toys!? (Like my old DCUC WW, DCSH Supergirl, DCUC Nightwing, MOTUC Marzo, MOTUC She-Ra, and MOTUC Skeletor.) Mattel NEVER LIES!!

    Seriously though, I don't get that either. Maybe if we had Shocking Pink and Green Superman, then the stores would go Ape$#!

  6. Dlia

    So do 'inside connections' know who the next female figure (in May 2011?) is? Well? One person said: 200X Evil-Lyn Variant and hundreds of people repeat the exact same thing across the Nerdnet. Kudos to Topless Robot for that term.

  7. @monkey boy: It might just be the concept of the two packs that the retailers don't like.

  8. Barbecue17

    And yet we're continuing to see 2 packs at Walmart and TRY, it appears. Peculiar.

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