Inspired by’s Roast Gooble Dinner podcast, welcome to PGPoA’s latest MOTUC Bio Discussion!
Tytusâ„¢ Bio
Real Name: Tytusâ„¢
Tytus™ the giant fought for peace alongside King Grayskull™ and He-Ro™ in the Great Wars. Originally from the mountains of Perpetua, he was forced to leave his home after his herd of dinosaurs began developing strange techno parts. He traveled across Eternia® to seek help from the village of Grayskull™. There he joined the King in battle against the Snake Men™ and Horde. Tytus™ helped construct one of the Three Towers during a temporary truce with his enemies. After the death of He-Ro™, Tytus™ used his great strength to build King Grayskull™ a mighty fortress, incorporating the symbol of the Cosmic Warriors into the entrance as a tribute to his fallen comrade. In the end, Tytus™ fell during the first Ultimate Battle Ground, heroically sacrificing his life to stop the rampaging giant Megator™!
Portrait Art Source: Original box art
This is one of those bios that just dumps a ton of information on you. Right off the bat, we find out Tytus was a contemporary of King Grayskull and He-Ro, and that he helped them fight in the Great Wars. He hails from Perpetua, which originated in the Halperin Bible and appears in other sources. But my favorite part of this bio appears in the second sentence: the mention of his herd of dinosaurs that developed “strange techno parts.” That means Tyrantisaurus, people. I can only pray MOTUC remains popular enough to get to him.
This is also the first mention of the Three Towers, a.k.a. the Eternia playset. It’s worth noting, since we just got our another hint of the Towers’ existence in the MOTUC canon via Carnivus’s shield. Odd as the sentence sounds, there’s a good reason the Bio Writer mentions that bit about the construction of the Towers happening during a truce with their enemies–because the enemies may have helped them build it. This isn’t as out-of-left-field as it seems; in the vintage minicomic “Enter…Buzz-Saw Hordak!”, Hordak claims he helped build the Towers before being banished to Etheria. (For you uber-nerds, it all sounds very Annatar and Númenor.)
But we were talking about Tytus, right? So Tytus helped build Castle Grayskull, and we find out that the reason He-Ro’s cape has the same symbol as Grayskull’s door. And in a rather bummer ending, we find out Tytus dies in battle “during” the “Ultimate Battle Ground,” which makes no sense. I get that they’re trying to reference the minicomic, but it’s grammatically goofy. Just call it the “First Battle of the Three Towers” or something–that still sounds epic.
wait… no stupid real name (titanic tythammer two balls or some crap), story matches with every thing else we've been told so far, evil lyn didn't free him from the inside of an attak trak wash or something, we got a couple cool hints about possible upcoming items (tyrantisaurus, megator)… was this… a success? how did that happen? i'm dumbfounded!
Dead Man Walking
I love dinosaurs, but the idea of a dino whose stomach rips open or a pterosaurs with engines grafted to it's wings seems gross to me. Had they been Dinoriders-like in concept, I would have much preferred them.
Oh, and Poe, can you point me to those recently discovered early-concept pages? It was some alternated take on He-Man in a b&w comic.
@Dead Man Walking: You mean this?
Dead Man Walking
@Poe: Yah. Gracias.
Snarf! Snarf!
My only beef with Tytus is how underwhelming is his MOTUC figure…
Pretty informative bio none of the silly MOTUC bio staples:
nothing cloned, no second born son, no daddy issues, and Evil Lyn did not free him.
I really liked Tytus bio. It's a shame I didn't like the figure enough to buy it though. I dig the way he fills out some of the Preternia stuff though.
Most of the bio is fine. The only thing I find very objectionable is the techno dinosaur bit.
I interpret that as the techno virus that killed He-Ro also infected the dinosaurs. That's so stupid if that's the case.
The techno virus killed He-Ro. So it's lethal. Why would it mutate dinosaurs and not kill them? I hope the Horde techno virus isn't turned into a sort of dues ex machina to explain everything.
I hate the idea of techno dinosaurs. I'm fine with the Dino-Riders concept. But I prefer fully organic beasts. Give me a fully articulated T-Rex minus the mechanical parts please.
I've been waiting for this one!
I find this bio very succesful in that it touches on quite a bit of classic and new elements, fleshes out the story, and gives me something about the character besides "Huge toy from Italy." Best thing is, I want to know more. I do have some questions and comments regarding stuff that will likely never become clear.
1) He's a dinosaur herder. That's cool! But…does this mean he eats dinosaurs? It doesn't look like he wears their skin. Does he sell them to other giants as beasts of burden? Is there a Perpetua Trail full of Bionotops-pulled covered wagons? Techno Dinosaurs seem useful for that, so I've got to assume the cyber parts are ruining his delicious dino-meat.
2) Why herd? Building a farm or ranch seems easier than a castle. Maybe giants prefer free range dino meat?
3) Being Tytus seems as irritating as being the only tall guy in the office. Someone's always asking you to reach something or build towers.
Judging by the Classics scale, he's about 12' tall. It seems like he helped with the tower, but built Castle Crayskull on his own. If I were that height, building just my house would still require ladders and ridiculous effort.
4) Finally, the only thing that is truly odd or irksome to me is that Castle Grayskull's design is taken from He-Ro's cape. Rather than honoring King Grayskull's name with creative liberties, or establishing that Grayskull's family name is taken from this ancient castle…it's been rendered a coincidence? Perhaps it's possible that He-Ro and Grayskull share a deeper connection I suppose.
@Thrawn: so, reading isn't your fave? he-ro didn't die of the TO virus, as per his bio:
and how exactly did you miss than motu already HAD techo-dinos? tyrantisaur, bionatops, turbodactyl, gigantasaur all qualify as techno dinos, not to mention the dozen other techno-animals that served as vehicles in motu… if that bothers you, how are you a fan of this property? what next, you don't like barbarians?
please stop advocating for toys that aren't motu in motu… i'm CERTAIN there are dino-riders fans out there just dying for ardent support like yours thrawn. go help them. i fully expect huge dinos w/ robot parts in motuc, because they BELONG here. include, man, don't exclude. 🙂
@Dead Man Walking: you too pal, see the thrawn post. dino riders is another line, motu has techno dinos, techno insects, techno sharks and techno horses, get used to it.
Whoops. My bad about He-Ro.I forgot he didn't actually die from the technovirus. I still interpret it that the techno virus was killing He-Ro otherwise he probably wouldn't have needed to be healed. Granted I could be wrong and it was only mutating him, but why would the Horde not attempt to kill such a powerful enemy?
I didn't. Tytus' bio refers to his herd of dinos developing strange techno parts. That leads me to believe that the Horde techno virus is creating them.
Vehicles like Land Shark, Stridor, Night Stalker, and Spydor are all basically living machines. It's subtle, but it is a distinct difference.
How are some people fans of the MOTU and not POP? How do some fans dislike Orko and the Prince Adam concept? When you figure that out, check back with me, won't you?
But it doesn't bother me, it's just not one of my preferred concepts. One can like a property and not cherish all aspects of it. That's not hard to understand.
There are already noncyborg dinosaurs in MOTU. Read the bio. It's implied. This line is big enough for new toys to be introduced. Although I personally don't look for noncyborg dinos to happen. At least not anytime soon.
It's also funny you say that, only to follow it with this:
Cyborg dinos yes. But no to noncyborg versions. How limiting.
I stated my preference. No more. I didn't ask Mattel not to make your little cyborg dinos. I asked for a noncyborg version (if we ever get to that point). I never said they don't belong, I said I wasn't crazy about them. I guess reading isn't your fave huh? 🙂
It should be relatively easy to make a precyborg version as well as the cyborg version given the buck system. The more toys the merrier. I'm still buying whatever they put out. I just heavily prefer organic. Include man, don't exclude.
I'm surprised they didn't give him "Tyrone Tussaudar" for real name.
@Reilly: really? you did say you're not crazy about them, but you didn't say don't include them?
i have to assume via the techno-organic virus that "minus the mechnanical parts" means you don't want cyborg dinosaurs. as i said before, dino riders is a separate, and wonderful line, or, if you prefer completely organic dinos, this last round of jurassic park figs are on clearance at, enjoy to your heart's content.
the techno-organic dinos were in this line WAY before this bio writes them in, as i explained… guess you missed reposting that detail. and while i'm not opposed to completely organic dinos in any line, since they have ZERO precedent in this line, aside from the casual mention in this bio, they better be pretty far down the motuc list, if on it at all. yes, i said include, not exclude, but there does have to be a logical limit, no? we're not advocating adding MASK characters to motuc, nor am i lobbying to see BP vess replace man at arms as the captain of the guard. the line is big enough as it is, advocate for it's improvement in QC, advocate for it's distribution to B&Ms, advocate more accessories, advocate for gigantisaur or whomever your pet character from the line is, but can't we agree that there must be limits? i'm not going to sit here and accept any requests for adding the hot wheels color change carwash to the line either. the monkeys at mattel are hard enough to convince of blatantly obvious truths, like the necessity of skeletor's millenium swords, there's no point in obfuscating the fan message w/ off-topic pipe dream requests. include, to a logical limit.
one last note about techno dinos- at no point has any one advocated that you have to buy the entire product line. i'm a huge motu fan, and i'm cherrypicking. but i'm not out there telling anyone i hate their favorite character(s) or advocating passing over a segment of the line in favor of hallmark cards or whatever. i can at least stay on subject. 😉
you are right in one thing though, you can be a fan of the property and not a fan of every nuance of it, as i just said, and so in that, i owe you an apology. you're right, that's not fair to go after you for cherrypicking who you like and don't, i would expect no less from any savvy consumer. that said, i stand by my other earlier statements.
Dayraven wrote:
I'm sorry, but that was an incorrect assumption on your part. I merely stated a preference. We all know by now that Mattel follows the vintage. That means if we get far enough to get the dinos they will be the cyborg versions.
I did not, nor do I advocate leaving them out. This line is all about redoing the vintage toys, and the Cyborg dinos were vintage.
No, I got that. What I was mostly pointing out, and was perhaps not looking forward to, was the implication that Mattel could start abusing the Horde Techno organic virus idea. It infected He-Ro and now it appears they are going to use it on the dinos. That makes sense to a point, but you know how Mattel gets about reusing certain ideas. Case in point: the cloning thing.
The do have precedent. Aside from the toys, don't they appear in the mini-comic featuring He-Ro? And after the Tytus bio they have opened the door. I'm all for more creatures.
I agree they would be farther down the line (probably never in point of fact) but Mattel has shown an interest in adding new concepts, characters, and ideas to this line–Gygor, He-Ro, Carnivus, etc.
If they tool a main dino buck with reusable or swappable parts like the Gygor/Shadowbeast one, it seems reasonable to assume we could get an organic version.
Agreed. I don't this is one of them, but yes. I do agree.
I didn't say you were. If you inferred that from my statement, then I apologize.
Thank you. So far the only figure I felt compelled to pass on was Tytus. I may prefer organic dinos, but I wouldn't pass on a cyborg one even if I'm not too hopped up on the idea myself.
We can agree to disagree respectfully on this point then. 🙂
fair enough dude, though for clarity's sake, here's the mini-comic you were referring to
and they're still cyber-dinos. king hsss refers to the turbodactyl as justa pterodactyl, but you can see mech parts in the drawing. or course, none of that involved the horde at all… we are dealing w/ the mother of all retcons here.
dayraven: I’m just always surprised whenever they do not add another ridiculous real name. I’m, actually happy that they didn’t mess around with a “real” name for Tytus. 🙂