A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Custom MOTUC Castle Grayskull update

Last year I posted some images of Joe Amaro’s awesome MOTUC-scale Castle Grayskull, which will forever remain unequestionably more awesome than anything Mattel would ever spend the money to make.

Joe, who now handles product development for Jazwares and helped create the great 3″ Sonic figures, sent me an email to show an updated image of the castle based on the original box art, created with help from super He-Fan (and sometimes Poester) Baena. Check it out (click for desktop-size version):

Here’s the original box art for comparison (via Grayskull Museum):


  • So, I guess Skeletor achieved his lifelong dream of capturing Castle Grayskull?
  • And Beast Man achieved his lifelong dream of nutting up, leaving his abusive relationship with Skullhead and joining up with the good guys?


Evil Tyrant Lizard King


I spy Optikk in packaging


  1. MldMnrdReporter

    Oh sweet baby Orko that thing is beautiful.

  2. Mario


  3. MechaShiva

    Beautiful!One day I hope I shall have space to make one.

  4. Thomas B

    awesome….sheer, unadulterated kick ass awesome.

  5. I did not have many playsets as a kid, in fact I can only remember having one, and Grayskull it was (and my brother got Snake Mountain).

    This looks really spectacular.

  6. Dead Man Walking

    Just one new pic? 🙁

  7. Monte

    Imagine how awesome a 2002 Skeletor would look in that thing…

  8. izdawiz

    too cool for words!

  9. Poe

    @Monte: He already made a completely different 200X Castle

  10. That'd make a pretty nifty desktop! 😉

  11. Okay Poe, in answer to your two questions…

    1. Grayskull has ALWAYS been Skeletor's home. That's why he's so mad at He-Man, HE-MAN's the squatter!

    Look at that castle, clearly it's Skeletor's! 😉

    2. Beastman's just a brute, he's often confused as to who he's fighting with. That animalistic rage just takes over. Joe tried to make it right by switching his direction in his shot. 🙂

  12. Mumma Ghostal

    Wow…that is totally and completely awesome!

    I guess I was lucky in that young Poe only had me repaint his figures when they had the audacity to change their costumes and not make that figure available. He never asked me to build a REAL "Cas'kull of the Grayskull"

  13. PrfktTear

    @Mumma Ghostal: You Rock! Mumma PkTear still surprises. She remembers most of the old MOTU characters. I've been showing off some of my new Classics figures to her which she usually seems to get a kick out of. The other night I happened to be at home watching Smallville in the living room and one of the girls called herself Watchtower, and she said, "Thats where the Justice League lives, right?" Which kinda shocked me.

    The original Cas’kull of the Grayskull still looks great today. I pulled it down from the attic many months ago and have had it on display with my MOTUC figures. An updated castle would be cool (though I'm sure VERY costly), but nothing beats the original!

    I think now that we've finished with the MOTU posters, Poe should move on to the box art! 😉

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