A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Joes for Tots: Want to win a 6″ unmasked Dark Knight Batman?

ATTEN-TION, Poesters! Paul tells me the number of entries for Joes for Tots ain’t quite up to snuff. Some of you have been derelict of your duty–your duty as a toy collector, as someone who wishes to pass on a love of toys to another generation, as someone who stands a chance to win a lot of awesome prizes, and last but not least as a human being.

The good news is, it’s very easy to rectify the situation–just make a donation to Toys for Tots today. The deadline for actual toy donations has passed in most places, but you can still make a cash donation via the Toys for Tots website. Don’t worry about how big or little your donation is–every bit helps.

And once you’ve made that donation, forward your confirmation email to winbigprizeswinbigmoney@gmail.com and you could win a prize pack worthy of a Magi.

To prove I practice what I preach, here’s my own confirmation email. No, I’m not eligible for the contest, but I thought a visual aid might help.


Still feeling too lazy? Fine. As an added incentive, if you’ve made a donation and entered the contest–or if you do so right now–tell me in a comment below and I’ll choose one winner at random. Once Paul confirms that the winner has indeed submitted a donation, I will send that person a MOC unmasked Batman from the Dark Knight Movie Masters line. That means you have double the chance to win something!


There’s one catch, though–I won’t pick a winner until there’s at least ten confirmations in the comments. So get to it!


Paul’s Peg > Holiday Cheer Lego Star Wars Style


Pic of the Day


  1. Submitting my pics of this weekend's donation tonight.

  2. Just emptied the remainder of my paypal account to donate!

    Also, I donated some G.I. Joe Combat Heroes but the only place near me to drop them off is a police station, so photos were out of the question. Oh well!

  3. Frogster

    Just forwarded my paypal receipt to the address, and will be dropping off my toys tommorrow to the Marine Reserve Station box which is still open here in my city.

  4. cloudy johnny

    Made a donation and forwarded my confirmation email. It was the line about "passing on a love of toys to another generation" that resonated. Thanks and Happy Holidays!

  5. Amy

    Had been sitting on my entry for a while. This motivated me to send it in!


  6. Anthony

    Gave some kids the goods yesterday. Hope they like the GI Joe 25th stuff because they got good and bad guys to fight it out.

    Props on holding something like this. You are some really cool cats to give people the little extra incentive to make a donation happen.

  7. Poe

    Come on people–we only need 4 more confirmations and I can pick a winner!

    Dig deep into those hearts–just like Mola Ram!

  8. Andy

    Gonna drop some off @ TRU today and I'll have an employee snap a pic and I'll send that to winbigprizeswinbigmoney@gmail.com

  9. Should I enter twice then Poe?

  10. Griffin

    Just sent in my e-mail. Giving for the kids. I can't believe there haven't been more entries. Donate to children, chance to win toy, its win win.

  11. Poe

    @jestergoblin: If you donate twice, then you get two chances to win the Unmasked Batman, yes. I don't know what Paul wants to do with his.

  12. 3B

    I sent in my donation e-mail about two or three weeks ago. I also participated in the program Dennis Quaid was promoting with Hasbro. I bought over $50 worth of ROC figures and donated them all to a collection at work. I work for the County Sheriff's office, so it was a well organized event.

    Times are tough all over, but there is always someone worse off than yourself. Let's do our best to help the kids! Thanks for the contest!

  13. Poe

    And the winner is — Frogster!

    I'm not sure I technically got 10 donations in the thread, but I decided to award the prize anyway. Random number generator came up with Frogster. Congrats!

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