A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.


Mattel appears to be having some trouble flocking the new Moss Man.

Hey He-Fans,

Just to let everyone know, we are working out some of the kinks with Moss Man right now. The flocking on a highly articulated figure is a bit tricker then we expected. There is a chance Moss Man may get pushed out to April and the “as-of-yet-unannounced” April figure will get bumped up to March (see why we have bonus figures in tow, stuff like this happens a lot!). This is not confirmed yet, just want to keep you all in the loop.

And along those lines, would fans be interested in Moss Man if he was not flocked? Or is this a make or break deal? We are doing everything we can to keep him flocked, but just curious what fans think?

If the only way to flock him would be to limit the articulation would that be okay also? Curious what you all think?

We want to hear your feedback!


Personally–and I know this may be sacrilege to some–but I can do without the flocking. Never cared for it, like cloth on smaller-scale toys. It can wear off and look shabby after a while. And I definitely don’t want to lose any articulation.

I’d be happy with a Moss Man made using the Beast Man body with a few newly tooled pieces to reflect the moss (similar to how ToyBiz built Man-Thing around a Sasquatch body–or maybe vice versa, I don’t remember).


Review > Egon Spengler & Slimer SDCC Exclusive


Flock of Moss


  1. Paddy Fitz

    Another great reason to avoid the ill-conceived subscription program.

    Moss Man is one of the few figures revealed at SDCC that I'm interested in, and I'd be fine with a non-flocked version, but not a straight Beast Man repaint — it'd have to be a completely new sculpt. His name isn't "Fur Man," after all.

  2. americanhyena

    Hmm…that's a toughy.

    I don't think I'd want a straight re-paint either, so it all depends on how much articulation was sacrificed.

  3. PrfktTear

    Heh… nice play on words in the subject title.

    I don't know how crazy I am about the flocking to begin with. My original Moss Man could be called Lint Man he's accumulated so much. The flocking on the MOTUC version looks great, but I think I'm with Poe in that I'd prefer a non-flocked Moss Man.

  4. Matthew K

    I agree that non-flocked would be the way to go.

  5. Frogster

    I vote for flocked. I can live without Ol' Mossy being a contortionist.

  6. I want Moss Man flocked. I've always assumed they'd re-release him down the road unflocked.

    But I mean, if Mattel's just going to paint him green or something equally as lame, I'll take less articulation.

    Although I don't see why they can't just work it out. I doubt it'd be impossible. The proto looked SHARP!

  7. finkrod

    I'd prefer him flocked, but not at the cost of articulation.

  8. The problem has been solved, now all Mattel has to do is listen.

    JonWes came up with the idea of "Spot flocking" just flocking key areas but not hindering articulation.


    Seems like the perfect answer to me.

  9. Fengschwing

    At least they're asking for the fans opinion.

    Now let's see if they'll listen…

  10. Fengschwing

    Actually, Poe you could run a poll and present them with the results.

  11. PrfktTear

    @Newton: That looks like a decent compromise.

    At least they're working on this now, and telling us about it, rather than waiting until December to drop the bomb.

  12. clark

    I would definitely prefer flocking, but if they can't get it to work it is not "make or break" for me, I just want a really cool figure.

  13. Thomas B

    i am also fine without the flock since it can wear off. articulation is the priority for me.

    at least they gave us a heads up and are asking us. not everyone will be happy either way but at least a majority(i hope not a vocal minority) can be heard.

    i would like a little extra tooling then for mossman. maybe a few vines,etc.

    i'd also like the body to be a bit darker colored that the face, hands and feet so it can give the same "look" as it would have if it were flocked.

  14. Thomas B

    yeah the proto looksed sharp but it also prob wasnt MOVED or "played with" after they flocked it.

    i also DONT wanted a flocked panthor. for ONCE give me a panthor that ISNT flocked please!!!!

  15. misterbigbo

    +1 for JonWes' idea posted by Newton. As an outside observer not vested in the toy, I'd say that his compromise concept looks much better than a green painted Beast Man. And I've always associated flocking with the psuedo-pube head Ken doll my mom had when she was a kid. Or the old Joes that looked sneaky-uncle to me.

  16. Reverend Ender

    The problem is, that if he is not flocked, we all know that Mattel will just do a straight repaint. There's no way they will shell out for new tooling, especially this late in the game.

  17. Flock or no purchase for me. I really liked the fact he was gonna be flocked.

  18. George

    It looks ridicules with out the flock, that said i don't collect He-man. Though I might buy this one if figure is made correctly/ very interesting concept.

  19. JediCreeper

    I have to say, I am really hoping for flocking. I mean, I could live with partial flocking, but to me, it's pretty important to Moss Man… I mean… he's MOSS MAN.. as in, covered in moss… Mekaneck has a mechanical neck, Tri-Klops has 3 eyes, trap-jaw has a jaw like a trap, and moss man is mossy…

    I'd like to know where they'd like to limit the articulation though, but I really have to say flock it.. heh… these jokes ain't never getting old

  20. "He-Fans" just makes me angry.

  21. Thomas B

    problem i have is that MOC collectors will be happy no matter what sinc earticualtion doesnt mean a thing to them but people that open them DO like the articulation. so all the poles and whatnot are sort of skewed.

    they should just release BOTH versions. i dont see why not. not only are they selling a repaint, they would sell a repaint of a repaint.

    i also wish they would have the mossman head on the other body as well so we can compare apples to apples not apples to oranges.

  22. T.

    I dunno. It's true. The flocking was a big part of what made the original Mossman worth buying. If the compromise is a green Beastman, that pushes this into "bonus figure" territory and I'd rather not have it charged to my subscription. He'd essentially have no greater visual interest than Green Goddess v. Teela (although I will be getting her to turn my Wun-Dar into minicomic He-Man). I'd feel a little cheated.

  23. Thomas B

    meh he is already bonus figure material to me but he is a unique character.

    if green goddess is a bonus figure and a near straight up repaint of teela than moss man is in the same arena…..unless you want a flocked green goddess?? LOLOLOL

  24. RageTreb

    I don't really care either way, unless flocking will impede articulation, in which case that's a big "NO" to flocking from me.

    It's really nice they're keeping us in the loop for a change.

  25. Diego Zubrycky

    I prefer him flocked.

  26. Wes

    Wow. JonWes has all the ideas!

  27. Mark

    Moss Man needs to be flocked. That would be like Spikor without his spikes…..that reapint of Beastman does not look anywhere near as cool.

    They could alwys just not flock the areas where there is joints.

  28. Motorthing

    No on losing articulation – that figure looks quite awesome as a proto and I don't want it any less poseable than the rest of MOTUC. I can live without flocking (said with a straight face) as you know out of the packet it's all gonna come off if you handle/play with it anyway.

    Brovo Matty – at least you announced your balls-up in plenty of time to make it look like consultation this time around.

    IF they can keep ablative heat shield tiles on a Space Shuttle now they can learn to adapt technology so that a bit of fake fur can stay on an action figure.

  29. RageTreb

    I agree with Mark that if they just not flock the areas with articulation, it'd be a happy medium. It might look a tad weird, but I think it would keep the maximum amount of people happy.

  30. monkey boy

    the obvious answer is for mattel to go to wal-mart or target and ask the 20 year old acne-riddled shelf jockey to order more DCUC!

  31. Mark

    Thanks RageTreb, yeah I think just losing the flocking were the joints meet is the best alternative.

    Although, what if the made some sort of iramovable material body/ jump suit made out of a furry material. That way it would cover all the joints. Then they would only have to flock the Head, hands and feet.

    My ideas also apply to Panthor.

  32. SciFri

    I really like the flocked version, especially head one flocked. I'd like to see head 1 without the flock just to be sure it's not too different. I'd rather they take their time if they have to. The flock just makes him so cool and unique.

  33. Emerald

    I agree with others that he should be flocked as that is part of the gimmick of the character. Hell, I'd even go for that fresh pine scent they gave the original(which mine still has BTW).

    Makes me wonder how they'll approach Stinkor. Stinkor didn't smell bad, but he didn't smell great. Greatest toy gimmick ever!

    I like what one guy suggested making only some of Moss Man flocked while leaving area for articulation. After all, the added articulation is part of what makes this line so great to the originals.

  34. Fengschwing

    They've bunged some mock-ups of a partial flocked mossy on Facebook, he looks okay to me.

    And they are asking people's opinions.

    Long may that continue.

  35. Yeah, still like the JonWes version the best. Spot flocking all the way.

  36. Heli

    Emerald, Stinkor "didn't smell bad?" Are you kidding me? Mine stunk so bad THROUGH THE PACKAGE that I never opened him out of fear.

    I think you're hard of smelling.

  37. Heli

    PS I think they oughtta just flock him and let it rub off with play. Just like the original. 🙂

  38. Tim

    He must be flocked.

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