Despite being the archetypal superhero, Superman has a surprisingly limited rogues’ gallery. However, he does have a few heavies aside from Lex Luthor, and arguably the #2 Super-baddie is Brainiac.
We had a version of Brainiac in DC Super Heroes, based on the short-lived robot version that, despite is brief time in the comics, managed to inspire a much-loved Super Powers figure. To the best of my knowledge, the Silver Age version of Brainiac has never had an action figure until this year–suddenly he’s getting one in both DC Direct’s upcoming History of the DC Universe and here in Mattel’s DC Universe Classics “Clash in the Cosmos” two-pack.
To be fair, it’s not all that hard to see why the Silver Age Brainiac has had a hard time getting made–he’s absolutely, 100% goofy-looking. The electric pink shirt, the white polo shirt collar, the black shorts and knee socks…seriously, what was artist Al Plastino thinking when he designed this guy? I think he probably looked ridiculous even in 1958; by the late 1970s, his design was flat-out ludicrous.
However, that hasn’t stopped good writers from making Brainiac a force to be reckoned with, from his appearances as a major big bad on Justice League Unlimited to his recent retcon/reboot at the hands of Geoff Johns.
Oh, and there’s a Superman figure, too.
Vril Dox served as scientist prime for his technologically advanced home world of Colu. When he tried to take over the planet, he was punished by being disintegrated. His consciousness survived and adopted the identity of Brainiac, setting his sights on assimilating the knowledge and intelligence of all cultures in the universe, and then eradicating them. Brainiac has destroyed hundreds of worlds, including Superman’s home, Planet Krypton.
Rocketec to Earth from the doomed Planet Krypton, the infant Kal-El was adopted by the Kent family of Smallville, Kansas. Young Clark Kent grew strong and powerful under the rays of Earth’s yellow sun, developing extraordinary super powers. In adulthood, Clark used these abilities as Superman, championing truth, justice and the American way while keeping secret his true identity and acting as a reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper.
Packaging: Once again, Mattel opts for the dynamic pose–and again, I have to admit it looks really good in the package. While I do think the two-pack boxes are much too large and environmentally wasteful, I can’t deny that the figures look good in the package. However, given the mass market nature of the line and the relative simplicity of the sculpting–not to mention the fact that I suspect a fair majority of DCUC collectors open their figures–I’m not sure the dynamic posing is worth the huge packaging and the warping and weapons-gripping issues associated with it.
But since I’m not a MOC collector, I can only strive to be objective. If I were a MOC collector, the posing would look great, although the giant box may pose a space issue in terms of display. As a collector who opens his figures, I’m more concerned with the potential problems of such dynamuic posing.
Design & Sculpt: Both Brainiac and Superman and primarily re-uses. If you own the long-haired Superman, you own this one aside from the new head (which you also own if you’re lucky enough to have the Eradicator). I do think the short-haired sculpt looks really good on this body, and for those who are curious, no, the holes that were used on the Eradicator to hold his visor on are not on this figure.
Unfortunately, unless Superman’s developed some serious wrinkles on his hands, we once again we get the “glove” hands painted flesh-color that we saw on Ultraman. It’s most evident near the base of the index fingers. Also, unless you’ve got him standing at extreme attention, chest thrust far out, Superman’s cape sticks out at pretty significant angle behind him. The cape is made from the more pliable plastic we sometimes get, rather than the rock-hard type seen on the likes of Eradicator.
Sculpting wise, there’s nothing new with Brainiac other than his head and collar. Again we get the gloved hands painted flesh-color–Mattel, don’t let this happen again!
The head sculpt on Brainiac is fantastic–one of the best head sculpts we’ve seen in this line so far. The slightly-larger-than-normal forehead, the electrodes, and the little smirk are very well done, and make me wish I liked the overall figure a more.
Plastic & Paint: Superman fares well in this department. His paint applications are nice and clean, and the tampographing on his symbols on the chest and back of the cape are crisp and aligned properly. While I wish he had regular eyes instead of the red ones, the paint work on his head is good, especially the blue drybrush on his hair.
Brainiac’s head paints are sharp and the rest of his body, while plain, is fine except for his arms. The pink plastic used for his arms is very noticeably darker than that used for his torso, especially when you look at the contrast between the ball joint disc and the shoulder. It makes what would otherwise be a decent figure into one that looks too much like a toy.
Articulation: Both Superman and Brainiac have the standard DCUC articulation: a ball jointed head, ball jointed shoulders, hinges at the elbows, knees, ankles and abdomen, swivels at the biceps, wrists, lower thighs and waist, and H-hinges at the hips for ball joint-like movement. It’s notable that this Superman can probably look up (for flying poses) better than any other Superman figure I own.
Accessories: The only accessory is Brainiac’s gun, which is the same one that came with DC Super Heroes Lex Luthor. Mystifyingly, the piece of translucent green Kryptonite that made Luthor’s gun at all cool is missing here, leaving us with a rather bland and disappointing ray gun.
Quality Control: For future reference, I’m only going to count issues with individual figures as quality control issues (and not something found on all figures, like the glove-flesh hands or the dark pink arms). I had no QC issues with my figures–the joints all rotate fine, and I didn’t notice any significant slop or errors in the paint applications.
[raven 2.5]
The Superman figure, combined with the excellent Brainiac head sculpt, saves this set from being below average. Had the glove-hands issue not been present and the plastic on Brainiac’s arms matched the torso, I might have awarded an entire extra point. The Superman figure in particular is pretty cool, and will make for a good stand-in until we finally get one with normal eyes.
On the other hand, I’ll have a hard time replacing my robotic Brainiac with this one. Part of that is owing to the original comic design, of course, but the color issues and the re-used gun don’t help him much.
Given that we’ll undoubtedly be getting this same Superman with normal eyes in the near future, I can only recommend this set to diehard Brainiac fans. An enterprising customizer might want to use the head to make a DCUC-scale Alex Ross Brainiac (perhaps using the Movie Masters Scarecrow as a base).
I don't mind articulated fingers, Wes; their tendency to limit a figure's ability to tightly grasp a weapon is more than compensated by the thrill one feels in having his Masterpiece Prime give a "Metal!" salute or flip someone the bird.
And Dead Man Walking, you're about twelve years too late to marry me, but I give you permission to write erotic fan fiction about me, if that's any consolation.
For the record, my biggest pet peeve, articulation-wise (and again I remind you that I love articulation; it's part of what made me fall in love with Sigma 6) is ankles; they seldom add much posing potential, yet they make most figures hopelessly wobbly. Marvel Legends are horrible in this regard.
@Monte: As a fan of articulation, I find ankle articulation great, but for me the "side to side" motion is as important, if not almost more important, than the forward-and-back motion. It's what lets my movie Hellboy figure stand in a wide variety of stances–like the ball-jointed neck, I think it's a joint that gives a figure "character."
Once again, a set I’ll pass on. Excellent review, thanks Poe.
Villainous hot pants, what were they thinking. Thanks for the review!
Dead Man Walking
From DCUC I'd like to lose the thigh cut and ab crunch on most figures. And I'm sorry, but the hips, while looking really good standing straight, look AWFUL when posed. Still, they're probably a necessary evil since many Marvel style hip ball joints look awful even when standing.
Dead Man Walking
Poe, hardcore MOC collectors are the weirdest people on earth. Don’t feel as though you have to pander to them.
It is really sad that the differing colors between Braniac’s torso and arms were noticeable even in the production photos released by Mattel. I’m glad I picked up the robot Braniac when I could. The Super Powers robot was my first introduction to the character and will therefore always have a place in my heart.
Good review, but I’m not bothering with this set – gloved-hands Supes sees to that…….
The different shades from Brainiac’s arms to his torso are just ridiculous. It’s so distracting; how could they think that’s okay?
I am not a collector of this line, and so I’m not taking any of Mattel’s mishaps personally or anything, but bloody goddamn hell, they’re one of THE two toy companies in the world, and it seems like they mismanage practically ever aspect of their business. From an outside perspective (I don’t own a single Mattel toy), it’s almost fascinating how poorly they operate.
Also, while I love articulation, I think many of these DCU figures, like Marvel Legends before them, sacrifice too much aesthetic appeal for their articulation. That Superman, for example; everyone has been suggesting that with normal eyes he’d be a perfect Superman, but there’s nothing definitive about him to me; he’s so criss-crossed with lines that he reminds me of Transformers Universe Ratchet’s alt-mode:
Dead Man Walking
Dear Lord, I’m not alone in this world! There actually is someone else who thinks too much articulation can be a bad thing.
If you were a hot chick, Monte, I’d marry you.
I too think that too much articulation can be a bad thing… I just don’t think these guys have too much! π I draw the line at articulated fingers.
Anyway, thanks for the review, Poe — I think I’ll be waiting for the upcoming DC Direct version.
Dead Man Walking
@Wes: I would still marry you if you were a hot chick, but I’d be disappointed with your outlook on DCUC articulation.
Ok, but seriously, the DCUC articulation doesn’t bother me THAT much, it’s that the plastic is SO cheap and the paint is virtually noxestitant. They’re also ridiculously lacking in sculpted bits. Compare a DCUC Dr Impossible to a DC Direct one. On the DCD one, all those lines and circles on his costume are sculpted, whereas the DCUC one just has them poorly painted on. The DCUC one just looks cheap by comparison.
braniac looks like a cosmic frat boy. i love my long hair supes too much so i think i'd customize that supes into a Superman from DC 1,000,000 because i like the design
I would get this set for nostalgic purposes alone. When I was a kid they played a (fairly well-known on the internet today) commercial featuring the Legion of Doom. Among other funny moments, Brainiac expressed loudly that all he wanted was, "A decent pair of pants!!"
Poor Brainiac. He just wanted some goddamn pants. π
Newton Gimmick
I rag on too much articulation all the time at my blog.
I'm getting the 2-pak.
I'm a bit disappointed with Brainy's discolored, unmatching arms,…. and he seems to be a little "Too Green" in skin color.
Wished Superman didn't have the red eyes, and the "gloved hands"…
(OK, I've got "issues"….) but I'm a sucker for this line… and I've been waiting for THIS Brainiac…This was THEE BRAINIAC before Gil made the change.
Glad to have both.!!
Thanks, Poe. Good review. I wished Mattel would try a little harder.
The ray-gun wasn't very imaginative, either.
I'll pass on this. Using gloved hands when you have sculpted bare hand molds is unexcusable. Plus I feel like Braniac is too vibrant green. I'll wait and see about the DC Braniac to complete my Legion of Doom.
I can’t tell what’s painted and what’s colored plastic, but it looks to me, especially in the close-up (cosmos-4.jpg), that there might be three different colors of pink involved. Brainiac’s shoulders seem to be a slightly different shade than what’s on either his torso or arms.
Oh well… I’m still anxious for my pre-order to get here. I’m a sucker for wacky old costumes like this. I don’t mind at all comic book characters that look a bit silly at times. (I even love the Killer Moth figure.) And I really love the head sculpt.
does anybody think that with the proper tools, you could repaint supes eyes blue?
I've always loved the original Braniac design, great colors and he'll look swell loose in a case full of various colorful toys. That said, the Super Powers inspired DCSH version is no slouch! Here's hoping my bestest pal Mar-God can find me one loose and reasonable priced at SDCC this year. Supes…meh. Thanks for the review Poe, while I understand you are getting a tad burned out on this line (me too kinda) I always appreciate and look forward to your well researched, photographed and informative reviews. Please keep the rally going…
Well, I can't believe it, but one of the local Toys R Us had on their shelves Wave 8 (no hawkgirl though) and the Superman/Braniac, Clayface/Batman packs.
Doom Saber
Odd since the brainiac I have doesnt have much of a noticeable pink contrast between the chest and the limbs.
Doom Saber
Here iz a link of my brainiac:…
I picked up brainey today, July 31st, and I really love him. I love the classic goofy colors and the headsculpt is so awesome. Given that there were multiple "Brainiac Constructs" I kinda like having another version to go with the robot-Brainy we got in DCSH. Poe- I think you got a chase variant figure. The one I got has the arm sleeves matching his shirt perfectly. No hot pink torso on the one I got. Painted cuffs and boot tops are so lazy but the collar is well done. I woulda plunked down $12 easy for him so I bit down an extra $10 for heat-vision Supes which kinda sucks but whaddayagonnado. My kids can thrash that one.