“Blue Canoe Stew”–whoever he is–has posted line-ups for DC Universe Classics waves 10 and 11 over on RTM. Take it all with a grain of salt, because I don’t know “Blue Canoe Stew” from Adam, and the only reason I’m even bothering to post this is because it vaguely matches up with what we know already and I think it might be a slow news day.
Over on the Fwoosh, poster “Marillion” has suggested that, as far as he knows, the BAF for Wave 10 was supposed to be Imperiex. Again, this is all hearsay and speculation, as far as I know.
For what it’s worth, Blue Canoe Stew also says Wave 10 is NOT the Walmart wave. Could it be true? Wave 11 might make more sense as the Walmart wave, as it contains less original tooling (John Stewart would just be a repaint with a new head, Cyborg Supes is just a straight repaint, and Shark, Katma Tui and Deadman would probably have few original parts as well).
Here are Blue Canoe Stew’s supposed Waves 10 & 11:
Wave 10:
Power Girl
Man-Bat : This is the long-promised brown version.
Static (Ugh! It hurts to type this!)
The C&C figure for this wave is not known
Wave 11:The Question
John Stewart
Katma Tui
The Shark in his Silver-Age look!
Cyborg-Superman: According to my guy, this is a straight re-paint of the DCSH figure in his Sinestro Corp colors. Supposedly …and I know it hasn’t panned out this way so far…but every wave of 2009 would include a repaint of a DCSH figure.
C&C Figure: Kilowog: This Wave supposedly kicks off “The Year of the Green Lantern.” Just as this past year was “The Year of the New Gods” with each wave including one New God figure, each wave for the next year is to include a “team builder” for the Green Lanterns. My contact is hopeful that the next year will be “The Year of the Legion of Super-Heroes” but he said “We’ll see.” I’m praying to God for this to happen!
Frankly, I hope these line-ups are accurate, because they’re pretty awesome. There’s hardly a figure in there I wouldn’t want.
Michael Lovrine
Wave 10 NOT the Wal-Mart wave? yeah, something fishy about this "rumor".
Drunken Fist
I'm not accepting this as gospel, but I'm hoping it's real, too. Not perfect lineups, but damn good ones. I hope Imperiex is not the BAF, though. I'm still pulling for an Anti-Monitor.
@ML: To be fair, I can't find anything online in which Mattel officially confirms Wave 10 is the Walmart-exclusive wave. It's just become accepted as truth at this point, based on–well, I'm not sure what, other than Wave 5 having been the previous Walmart wave.
I don't want to get my hopes up, but there aren't words for how much I want this information to be true.
If these line-ups are correct, and if one of these two waves is the Wal-Mart wave, for me personally, I wish wave 10 was the Wal-Mart wave.
I only want Power Girl and Joker and don't care about Imperiex, so it would be easier (less expensive) to track down or buy off eBay two figures than it would be to buy the entire wave 11 because I want six of the seven figures and Kilowog.
There is no way I will be able to find all of these figures, even with the supposed improved distribution. I really hate exclusives.
Both waves are exciting, but I'd rather have Two-Face or Catwoman from DCSH than a repainted Cyborg Superman (not that a Sinestro Corps version wouldn't be cool). I hope both are true, but to be honest I'm just worried about finding wave 8 and wondering if my local Targets will ever carry figures again.
I have a hunch Two-Face and Catwoman are going to show up as a two-pack, either on Mattycollector or at online retailers/TRU.
Targets around me have never gotten past wave 4.
If it helps at all, I've been kicking dudes in the nads whenever I see them buy more than 2 of a popular DCUC figure.
Wooo, Steppenwolf! Defifnitely looking forward to that guy's costume.
Whether or not this is real, I'd totally be up for some Doom Patrol figures.
Could care less about more Green Lantern characters that aren't Kyle Rayner or Alan Scott, though.
I would REALLY like to get an Alan Scott-GL, too.
And if Two-Face and Catwoman get re-released… I hope they repaint both of them. Orange and purple on Two-Face… and a "paint-over" on the milk on Catwoman's face…please!!
What were they thinkin'???
Oh, …and I'd be "up" for some DOOM PATROL FIGURES, too.
I'm hoping that we get a start with Robotman and Beast Boy.!! Good list of characters.
Power Girl, Joker, Forager,… the whole bunch except maybe Static.
Wow out of 2 proposed waves I want maybe 3 figures. Power Girl and Manbat are must haves! And the Question would go great with my Huntress BOP DCD figure.
I'd love Morrison era Doom Patrol figures but I suspect I have a snow ball's chance in hell of getting those.
I also thought a Seven Soldiers of Victory set with Frankenstein as the BAF would be cool, but I expect I'd be the only person in the world who would be excited about that.
There seems to be a healthy amount of JSA figures released so far, so an Alan Scott GL would be very welcomed by me.
Beast Boy is great, we're bridging the gap between Doom Patrol and Teen Titans nicely there, I suspect there could be room for variants in the costumes. I'll bet someone is going to paint Wave 2's Grood green to go with Garth at some point.
If this all tuns out to be true.
Imperiex BAF? I guess he could get his ass kicked by my Galactus BAF…
Whats with the static hate?
@Santo: maybe it's because Static isn't a "real" dc comic character? I'm just guessing.
@Jim, I think its jst down to the fact most people think he is crap.
When are going to get Isis?
@Mark: Yeah, one of my friends who's african american says it's odd how a lot of black characters haven't done well and a large portion of them have to have the word "black" attached to their name.
I was like…hmmmm….
@Jim: He's real now. He's in Teen Titans.
@Jim. True but I did not mean anything racist, I just meant I and many others find the character crap. There is plenty of cool black heroes in comics….black panther, cyborg, one of the grenn lanterns, steel, blade, Clamp Champ from MOTU, Mr T (does he count?). So Static cannot clain racial discrimination, its just down to the fact he is crap.
@Jim: Oh never said you meant anything racist. Me and my friend think that Static is CRAP too. lol
As for the characters you mention, me and that friend of mine dicussed those characters and it seems that John Stewart Green Lantern is the only successfull one on that list, second to black panther. Ultimately there have been a fair amount of black superheroes but not many on par with Superman, Batman or Hulk or Spiderman. Just an observation.
@ Scott: Oh. Hmmmm didn't know that. But he was based on the toon right?
Did you guys know that, according to a wikipedia list of black superheroes, Panthro from Thundercats is black? And here I thought that his race was panther. I guess you learn something new every day.
Also I would say that Storm has the most recognition of black superheroes. There are even less black female heroes out there.
@Jim, no just to make sure no one took it the wrong way.
@griffen, but then panthers are black.
Also Jazz in Transformers, he was voiced by Scatman Crothers…and Jazz is one of coolest Transformers ever.
Cool you mentioned Storm I forot about Bishop.
@griffin: yup…storm's definitely A list.
Panthor's black? Does black or white even exist in their species?
Personally, I always thought it funny how in the 80's all the asian guys knew martial arts like the Samurai guy's from both Thunder Cats and Super Friends and Jitsu and Ninjor from MOTU. or That growing Native American guy in superfriends. Maybe a large influence was due to the Movie stereotypes back in the day (that are still alive today).
I think latin, asian and every other race have even less exposure in the comic book world.
I was watching the show "Heroes" and my gf's brother's girfriend (who's asian) said, "Why are asians always either martial artists, dorks, geeks or gang bangers?"
and I was like….I never noticed. Regardless, I hate that Hiro guy with a passion. He's annoying.
@Jim: Sort of. The toon itself was based on DC's Milestone imprint. There was a Superman/Milestone crossover years ago, but that's now out of continuity. His first official DCU appearance was in a Terror Titans mini-series before moving to Teen Titans a couple of issues ago.
@Scott: huh. Didn't know that. Interesting. All along I thought he was based on the toon in the WB kids network. lol
@ Mark: LOL LOL i just noticed when I wrote toyou I put "@Jim" instead of "@mark". lol
@Jim. LOL. I meant the fur on a Panther is black.
I fairness though in some programmes they did need the racist stereotype, basically down to the fact that iregardless of their race they probably sucked….therefore he may suck but he is on the team as he is a martial art expert, again this is just me making an assumption based on where I live but if I was looking to recruit a ninja or martial art expert for my team I would go to Japan or China etc instead of looking in the local farming comunities here….I doubt there in many farmers in Ireland that secretly studied karate etc before they became a farmer.
I have an idea for a new African American superhero, we'll call him Black Man! He has the power of night, eyes like a cat, does Karate, and has an an insatiable hunger for… justice.
@ Mark: True…true…I just think it does give some sort of effect in the real world. I guess I'm starting to believe that humans just can't handle stereotypes. Stereotypes will always exist though because not only thru ignorance from other races but ignorance from the race being stereotyped.
For example, the Hiro guy on Heroes. Me and my circle of friends (including my gf's bro's gf whos asian) starting talking about how a lot of asian actors accept dorky roles which demean their race. I know a few asian working actors that think actors like Hiro just do make it worse for them to get respectable work. Which again, I never thought of before. Kinda interesting point of view.
I think stereotypes exist for a reason. Its not to say that every single person of a single race, color, creed, nationality, sexual orientation or gender embody every single quality of said stereotype, however there usually does ring some truth to it. Stereotypes are usually looked upon as negative, which to some extent they are. Some people feel its something they have to live up to or something, and in some cases, if you're not a stereotypical ____ then you're looked at as being abnormal.
I think it just stems from human nature where everything has to be neatly labeled and "black and white" no grey area.
I'd say that actors of any race, whether it be Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin, or whatever are just greatful to get work, even if its counter productive. Its great to have principle and stand up for your beliefs and your ethnicity, but you also don't want to be a stereotypical actor saying, "Would you like fries with that?". Besides, even Edward James Olmos had to start out somewhere…
True. I agree all ethnicities have to start out somewhere. The most successfull minorities are African Americans. They started out somewhere BUT they fought for roles that broke out of the stereotype.
Me and my circle of friends were talking about that and we all thought that if every race out there…asians, latins, middle eastern, etc. tried to fight for roles to the level that blacks fought for roles, more minority actors would be successful.
I have a mixed friend who is part white asian and middle eastern and he said…"I'd rather not be an actor than play dead end stereotypical roles all my life". If I were him, I agree. I guess it depends on how much you want to succeed.
If your an actor with low ambitions be like Hiro from Heroes because as much as people like him, he won't reach A list status. There's been soooooo many stereotypical asian "dorks", etc. etc. from the 70's, 80's etc…and no asian OR latin actors have been truely respected on par with actors such as broad range actors like Johnny Depp or serious great actors like Daniel Day Lewis. That latin actor, Javier Bardam from No country for old men got best supporting but he's still not on par with Daniel Lewis. PLUS, a lot of the really good actors have accents like that Javier Bardam guy and Penelope Cruz (her acting got a lot better) even won an award.
My point is I think Hollywood needs to find a minority actor who doesnt look dorky, can act and doesnt have an accent to stay alongside the greats.
My mixed actor friend is going to make an independent movie. He'd rather be a nobody film maker than a nobody working actor. I guess it really depends on the person.
Personally, I don't agree with the actors who would rather take demeaning stereotypical roles then go home and bitch about how they've experienced some discrimination. It's like…DUDE…you're a part of the problem! lol
I think acting is a tough biz. If you want to truely succeed. I think the miniority actor has a better shot finding a high paying day job, making a film for sundace and getting recognition. My mixed friend doesn't need to work fast food. He's decided to be a cop (which pays well enough to finance his film), save all his money to the point where he's living FRUGAL as hell, and making that movie. Everyone has their own path…but damn do I respect that path a lot more than the dead end "start at stereotypical roles first" minorities of today. Why? Because it hasn't worked. Been like that since the 80's and still nothing other than the success of African amer. actors.
@Jim the film indusrty is odd…I am not standing up for discrimination but there are certain roles that only ethnic minorities can play as opposed to a white person ie if they were looking for a fluent speaking mexican for a cowboy film etc et…I mean if they were making a film about Ireland I could be in it, as I am Irish etc etc they would not hire ethnic minority actors for it as there is not a lot of ethnic minorities in Ireland, there is some but very very few.
While I am ranting I will say this…99% of American actors cannot do a decent Irish accent.
This post is proof of how crap Static is, a simple post detailing upcomming DCUC figures and after a few mentions of his name it is a discussion about racism LOL.
@mark: oh no I'm not saying miniorities should stop playing roles specific to that race.
I'm saying they can play OTHER roles as well.
Again, Blacks are the perfect examples of what other races can acheive if they fought for more roles. Blacks aren't just playing guys from africa or gang bangers. So same thing…other ethnic actors need to fight more for a broader range of roles.
Oh and look at the President we got! African Americans are really a good example for all miniorties. Maybe one day the world will be a "slightly" more balanced place. 🙂
After all the world has equality…then we can maybe bring in Aliens from distant planets! 😀
wow, all this love for black superheroes and no one mentions cloak or rage or luke cage or lando calrissian?
and whomever it was that said tchalla was the best known black superhero… yeah, cuz snipes played him in three movies? come on, bottom line, it's lando, followed by blade, followed by storm.
and i'm letting you off light, cuz i suspect shaft would trump all of the comic-fantasy types. and i didn't mention mace windu either. and notice all the black i've mentioned… nary a "black" to be found in their names. that was DC weak story telling, not a universal truth. but i'm not going to mention shaft, or dolomite or undercover brother, cuz technically, they aren't superheroes.
and I quote…
you don't start none
there won't be none
good grief…